
16 October 2007

I didn't plan it this way

but it sure worked out well!

Roctoberfest Sox

The Colorado Rockies (Major League Baseball) team has swept the playoffs! And everywhere you look around here, there is a lot of purple and black!

From the yarn stash, I pulled out this skein of yarn to use in the sock knitting class I'm taking. Yes, I do know how to knit sox but this is a new (to me) technique and I wanted to learn how to do it: knitting sox on two circular needles. It's not a hard technique to learn, but I am way, way faster on my double pointed needles. Once this class is over, I'll be ripping out this sock. Why? Because I'm using the wrong size needle for the yarn. The yarn is Universal Yarn Marathon Socks - New York 75% Superwash Wool, 25% Polyamide

But look at the color! How serendipitous!

Rocktober + Socktoberfest = RockSocktoberfest!


  1. Too bad you have to rip the sock up, it is a gorgeous pattern.
    Just don't knit any Red Socks! Of course we may end up playing the Indians, we'll see.

  2. It makes a nice design.

  3. Well I am an Angels fan, but congrats to the Rockies!!!

  4. Go Colorado Rockies!! We have been cheering them on as well up here in Canada as Jeff Francis is from Vancouver area :))

  5. Ooooh -- such fun fun projects you've been working on. I saw that pumpkin stichery as well and have been thinking about it -- please show pictures soon!

    Love the socks as well -- since I'm working on my first pair (dpns only though) I'm loving seeing other people's socks!

  6. Okay - I'll jump on the Rockies bandwagon. I don't pay attention most of the year because we know The Padres will blow it somehow *s* So if there's a National League team from somewhere in the west . . . I become the newest, best fan *s*
