
31 October 2007

WIP Wednesday - October 31

I spent some time over the weekend working on the new blog banner. I've got it down as a template and can now change the photo easy peasy.

I also went into the sewing room and cut logs for the Log Cabin blocks that I plan to make for the alternate setting blocks in the Homespun BOM. The paper is my EQ6 template sheet that I printed out so I could figure out the size I needed to cut the logs. I should have used EQ to draft the 6" version of the block you can see under the purple folder and the logs. That block is the 1930's Block. Now I need to sit down and start sewing the log cabin blocks together.

I've been waiting for this book to come. I pre-ordered it from American Quilter's Society in August for a printing delivery date in September. But it was backordered and didn't get delivered until yesterday. I wanted it so I could learn how to draft my own scalloped borders. It is a very quick and easy read. I wish I could have checked it out of a library somewhere rather than spend the money on it. That calla lily quilt on the cover is a pattern inside the book.

Remember when I talked about the incredibly fuzzy photo of the basted quilts? Well I finally got a good one. That purple in the center is part of the backing of 'Dance!' The quilts on either side of it are the Skillbuilder panels I purchased and talked about in a previous post.

I bet Sweet P over at Coffee Time Quilt Studio on the World Series. Loser was to give a goodie bag to the winner. So Sweet P, you can expect a package at the beginning of the week.

I just realized that I let my third blogiversary slip by. Boohoo. Oh well, but I'm also coming up on my 300th post and will do something special as a giveaway on that post.


  1. You banner is looking good! Thanks for the review on the scallop book. Have fun with your log cabin blocks!

  2. Love your banner and that pile of cut pieces looks like it will be a wonderful project.

  3. I am so excited to see the finished project with the homespuns.
    Happy belated 3rd blogiversary!!!1

  4. I like your banner. Your second column seems to have slipped down to the bottom though.

    The log cabin seems like a great second block - I need to be making a log cabin one of these days.

    Happy blogiversary! #3! Wow, you're old. Oops, I mean your blog is old.

  5. Like the colors in your log cabin blocks, living in the midwest I see alot of old quilts hanging out to dry or air on lines at old farmhouses. These are the colors and patterns I see often. Makes me think of grandma and setting on her sofa during a rainy day with a quilt.
    Happy quilting

  6. Mmmmm . . . homespun log cabins - cozy *s*

  7. Toot tweet banner!

  8. Happy belated 300th post! I know what you mean about buying books and then being disappointed in them. I have a few of those quilt books laying around here too.

  9. The banner looks good - I see three vertical white stripes in it. I don't think they are supposed to be there?

    Happy blogversary!!

  10. Love the banner! Someday I really will decide to update my blog and make it look all snazzy! Then again, somday my house will be clean, world peace will be a reality ...
