
29 November 2007


Update 11/30/07: Auntie is OK and I can go back to my weekly trip to Denver-town. Back to our regularly scheduled programming. O and the shawl? I just added on another skein of yarn so it is progressing nicely. I'll show a pic when it's done; a half-finished mass of knitting doesn't look like much as a WIP.

Hi all. I just wanted to post a quickie. I will be very sporadic posting for a while. Auntie was in hospital in Denver-town and has been transfered to a nursing facility. I have to go take care of her space and other stuff. I foresee many, many trips to Denver-town in the near future. *sigh* It's a long 1.5 hour trip in bumper to bumper traffic at *gulp* 75 mph (120 kph). Keep us in your thoughts, OK?

Maybe I can get that shawl knitted.


  1. Knitting while driving at 75mph???? LOL --
    You sure have your plate full now, I'll be thinking about you. Auntie is lucky to have you.

  2. I'm near you and I hope your auntie feel better soon......

    Your froggy quilt is wonderful.

    ciao ciao HUGS

  3. Just be careful, don't forget to breathe...I hope she gets along well...and you too.

  4. Hope all goes well with getting Auntie settled. As far as the driving . . . just stay confident and aware *s*

  5. I agree with su bee, you should not knit while driving 75mph.
    Are there times when the traffic is slower?
    I hope your Auntie feels better and will be able to go home.

  6. Please be careful driving and don't stress too much about packing up Auntie.

    Your frog quilt is gorgeous.

  7. Oh dear Paula...I know exactly the stress you are under. I hope your Aunt appreciates all your time and effort. Drive carefully.

  8. Be careful out there! I nearly pulled out in front of a speeding truck this morning taking my eight year old to school and he would have hit my van on her side. Scary.

  9. Oh, that is great news *S*

  10. Now that's high speed knitting! Glad your auntie is on the mend. I know it takes eons of time to deal with living space. Hope you have some assistance with that. Too bad we are all many miles away when one or the other could use a hand. :o(

    Don't feel compelled to keep up the high speed if you are not feeling safe...those speeders will fly around, over or under you to be on their way! Lol, they never really get anywhere all that much sooner.

  11. I'm so glad things have worked out for your aunt. I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of you!

  12. I remember that white-knuckled drive - I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I am glad your aunt is feeling better, and hope she continues onwards to good health.

  13. I am sorry that your Aunt was ill. I hope she is well soonest. It is soothing to have a project to work with your hands in nervous times. Be careful on those roads, treacherous in winter...

