
12 November 2007

Retreat at Home

What a busy weekend this was! Saturday, my Quilty Friend came over and we stitched and gabbed for four hours. I feel like I've been at a retreat when I read the list of what I accomplished quilt-wise:
1. Labeled a Quilt of Valor quilt and got it ready to mail out.
2. Labeled TheKid's newest quilt
3. Labeled Sheryl's quilt
4. Labeled the charity baby quilt
5. Bordered the pumpkin stitchery
6. Layered and basted #5
7. Cut and stitched the binding on for Sheryl's quilt
Now I am enjoying sitting on the couch and stitching down the other side of the binding. I really do enjoy handwork and hope to do more of it when my knitting frenzy has passed.
Note: as of Monday morning #7 is complete too!

The picture? It's of the Flower Seed Packet baby quilt that I'll be giving to charity. It's tied rather than quilted. This panel of flower seed packets was in my pre-printed (quilter friendly) orphan box. There was almost enough of that green and white print in the stash for the backing too, but I had to piece another bit on.

Today was full of menus, stacking firewood, laundry, grocery shopping -- you know, the household chores. I also bought a new scanner. WooHoo! My last one just stopped working one day and I tried doing without it for about a month and it was driving me crazy. I never realized how much I used my scanner until I didn't have it.

Snow is in the forecast for tomorrow along with a 30 degree drop in temperature from today's high temp. Hope you all had a nice weekend.


  1. Wow you certainly were busy and got so much accomplished. Your seed quilt is so pretty - reminds me of the curtains in the kitchen when I moved here, which also had seed packets on them.
    Stay warm!

  2. TheQuilter was a busy girl *s* How fun to spend time stitching with a friend and check so many items off your list.
    Enjoy your new scanner. We recently purchased a replacement . . . the former was constantly suffering PMS and making everyone miserable. The new one is much more friendly and cheerful making happy for all in the house *s*

  3. What a day! That must leave an afterglow to keep you smiling for awhile!
    I hope you'll share pics of snow, it sounds so nice.

  4. WOW! you did so much you were the worker bee. Love the seed quilt.

  5. Great job on your retreat list. I nearly completed mine too and even added a project or two to the list.

    Did you hear that the Red Sox 2nd baseman, Pedroia won Rookie of the Year?

  6. Sounds like a fun retreat!

  7. I'm happy for your busy week end....and great pic.
    ciao ciao

  8. Good gosh you are productive!!! I have been on a quilting jag, but only sewing the ones for the craft show. It has given me the bug to get my "real quilts" out and start on them!!
    Looks great

  9. Hi Paula, what an amazing amount to accomplish in 4 hours!! Could I take lessons from you??? *VBS*
    Love the seed packets quilt. Great idea for a baby quilt.
    And I did want to mention, I read down several posts, and YES...I remember that quilt on you bed *VBS* Isn't that the one that required a special solution to a pesky problem and that resulted in those adorable maple leaves??? *VBS* What fun to see it again!
    Love the plain log cabin blocks...that will be a good trade I think! Hugs, Finn
    p.s. snow flying in the wind here in WI today!

  10. Good for you on all the finishes!
