
15 December 2007

The Hurryder I Go...

Brrr. It was -1°F (-18°C) when I got up this morning. I knew last night at bedtime that it was going to be a cold one. Snow on the ground and clear skies (finally!) equal a cold, cold night.

Life sure has a way of intruding doesn't it? It sticks it's head up and says "Hey, I'm here and you can't ignore me." I've been a bit silent because I'm dealing with a lot of family issues right now and the stress is very hard on me. I've lost 6 pounds from it. Not complaining there, but I know it will come right back on. I don't eat when I'm this stressed. I can't seem to choke the food down.

I was in the sewing room today. Evidence is in the photo. Do you know what you are looking at there? It's the pieces and parts and bits and bobs of my Four Seasons Quilt. I found that white fabric doesn't show up very well on my white Horn sewing machine cabinet *smile*. But you can see that this is going to be green and white. And that's all I'm saying.

I was able to get a small bit of Christmas decorating done. This year I'm going for the spare, minimalist look. I've put up the quilted wall-hangings and draped the quilts. The fake poinsettias are in a potted plant and I bought a really cute little rosemary bush that has been pruned into the shape of a pine tree. With it's container, it stands 2 feet tall. I have a box of itty bitty glass balls that I put on it. This will have to be our tree this year. TheKid has to work on Christmas, there are no grands and I don't have the time to do anything else. I've got to squeeze out a bit of (my nonexistent) time to get CarGuy another present to put under this tiny little tree.


  1. Just popping by to say I'm thinking about you...take care.

  2. Take care of yourself. We'll be here when you come back.

  3. Relax, take a couple of deep breaths (and maybe a glass or two of wine) and don't worry about blogging. Hang in there!

  4. hope it all works out and is over quickly,
    hate family issues. Glad your sewing to keep busy

  5. I can't eat when I'm stressed either. But it comes right back too. My DIL says her first reaction to stress is "Where's the cake?". Hope everything settles down for you soon.

  6. Check the book Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. My rule is, "Will it matter 10 years from now?" or even next year? It is funny how we either can't eat or must eat when under stress. My mother was a can't eat, to the point of nausea, and I'm the eat the chocolate, salty and chunchy. The six pounds I gain aren't that easy to get back off. Deep breaths and exercise for everyone. :)

  7. I hope whatever needs working out gets worked out for the best. A rosemary tree sounds wonderful - the gift might have to be small to go with the tree, maybe some jewelry?

  8. Oh my - do remember to take care of yourself . . . you'll be no help to anyone otherwise. A little chamomile with lemon and honey in the afternoon always helps me settle my thoughts on those tough days.

  9. I know how family can bring the stress on. I am also having a minimal Christmas. I am glad to say I think I found the weight you lost and let me know when you want it back. I will FedEx it right along to you. I am a stress eater.
    Take care of yourself, and I agree with the wine or whatever else you need. Be nice to yourself.

  10. I hope that all will work out for you. Hang in there and seek comfort from above, He is there to help us all.

  11. Well, I go to extremes, either eating everything in sight, or not eating at all. Take care of you and I hope you can find peace. The holidays are tough in that regard, sometimes...


  12. I hope it all works out okay for you. Please know that others are thinking of you. Minimalist is good!
    Hugs and Best Wishes from Ali.
