
02 January 2008

The Littlest Orphan & a completed object

I completed a few projects on the last day of 2007. This one could be the littlest orphan on the Orphan Train. I took one orphan block and combined it with one of my warm up quilting samples to make a case for my sunglasses/glasses. This started out as a triangular log cabin quilt in the 1980s. The other blocks have found their way into various projects and this one lone block was left. This shows how old my stash is (at least in the notions) because I actually found some pre-made bias binding in just the color I needed. *grin* I laid the case on a snow bank in case you are wondering about the background.

And here is the Feather and Fan Icelandic shawl. I wore it today at work. Oh my, how warm and toasty I stayed!

On Tuesday I was
• able to sew a few logs onto the log cabin blocks for the Homespun Quilt
• quilted on the Winter Swap Quilt
• knitted a pair of mittens for charity
• made a cover for the calendar I carry with me; my 'Day Timer' if you will
• cooked up a roast in the Crock Pot
• watched a movie
• hung out with CarGuy

I hope your New Year is bright and cherry!


  1. You certainly stay busy, Paula! Happy New Year!

  2. Pretty, pretty!! I love your shawl, so warm and yummy looking.

    I also like your glasses pouch idea..


  3. Love that shawl - such a great color. I found a sweater in that color this year . . . I'm afraid some folks might think I never change clothes *s*

  4. Oh my -- I just made a case for my sunglasses yesterday!! I was just going to blog about it. Good idea for old blocks :)))

    Very pretty shawl as well.

  5. Very cute glasses case and Wow..What a shawl. It is lovely!!
    Good work, all of that counting paid off!!
