
20 February 2008

Four Seasons Quilt Swap - Spring

It's that time again! What time? Time to sign up for the Four Seasons Quilt Swap - Spring edition. You can go here to the Four Seasons blog to read all the details.


  1. I signed up again! I just love this swap!

  2. Hi Paula, how goes the snow collection? Are you buried yet?? We aren't, but we sure are froze up around here.
    Love all the knitting you've been doing...amazing how much you get done.
    The signature quilt looks like it will be a fun one. I still have the singature squares from my Y2K swapping..LOL, one of these days I'll get to them.
    The quilt you showed for Quilts of Valor is just beautiful...glad you found the picture. Hugs, Finn

  3. I signed up, did you sign up? Waiting on licorice and still hand quilting here.

  4. you knit all those since Jan first??????????? You are wonderknitwoman!

  5. I signed up too. This is a wonderful swap!
