
16 March 2008

5 of Hearts

Did you watch the article on quilting on CBS this morning? After I told every one to watch I messed up setting the recorder so I had to watch it online. I think they did a nice job of it don't you?

I love laundry day. Why? Because my sewing room is right next to the laundry room in the basement and I just stay down there sewing while I'm doing the laundry. Any excuse will do.
So I spent the day diddling around in the sewing room.

  • I got another little quilt all basted up and ready to quilt.
  • I un-basted my challenge quilt because I want to add a couple more elements to it. I have always felt a little uneasy when it came time to quilt it so I've been putting it off. It finally dawned on me why I didn't want to quilt it: it wasn't ready to quilt. I need to add 2 more lily pads, a water lily and a reed. This gives you a bit of an idea what it's about. Yes, there is a swamp involved.
  • I made the binding and stitched it on. I'm going to do a bit of hand work and then the little quilt can wing it's way to Illinois.
  • I got started cutting all the little pieces involved in the Spring Four Seasons Swap quilt that I am making. I've only got about half of them cut. Since I am taking a day off from work on the 30th, I'll be able to get a lot of it done: cut out and sewn together.
The quilt is one of the first quilts I ever made. The name comes from the 5 appliqued hearts: one in the center and in each corner. I used Georgia Bonesteel's lap quilting method and finished it in December 1988. Thank goodness for labels!

I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I just kept adding elements until I thought it was big enough for a queen size bed. It's big enough all right since it is bedspread sized! It is totally handquilted with a polyester bat. And the binding is absolutely atrocious! I am not joking. There are tucks and ripples in the binding that curves around the rounded off corners. I rounded the corners of the quilt so I wouldn't have to miter them.

It's a good thing to keep around just to see how much I have improved.


  1. Yeeehaw! Apparently I don't know how to set my dvr properly and totally missed the segment, too. How happy am I that you directed me to watch on line *s*
    Your first quilt looks fantastic . . . you were well on your way from the very start.

  2. I, too missed the segment. I hope I can find it online. I love your first quilt. I have a quilt that I started 20 years ago and I am determined to finish it this year. I love your blog.

  3. DH is happy to do laundry during football season at our house. Then he doesn't feel guilty for sitting watching football if he is folding clothes at the same time.

  4. I think your red and white quilt looks very pretty. It is so happy.

  5. First quilts are a special thing -- we learn so much from them and see all our mistakes, but everyone else loves them! Isn't handquilting with polyester bat really difficult? It's a wonder you kept quilting!

  6. It may be flawed, but from here, it's pretty nice!

    I was thrilled with Georgia Bonesteel because she was athe first quilter on TV, and I made a LOT of Quilt-as-You-Go blocks and a few quilts. I will forever be grateful as SHE is responsible for starting me into quilting.

  7. Wow you have been busy. I slept in, so I missed the show and had to watch it online as well. You're right, it was good. It did bother me that he didn't also interview a woman, since there are so many more women quilters.

    I think your heart quilt is fabulous.

    I was looking at my challenge quilt last night. I have more finished than I remembered - the borders are already on, and so is the center. Don't remember what I was planning on doing next - maybe appliquéing something in the border.

  8. I'm glad you said something about it being online - I just went and watched it.

    I will bring you my laundry so you can have more quilting time okay?

  9. This is a beautiful bed quilt! You must feel so happy when you look at it!
