
26 April 2008

My Inner Geek is showing

I played around a bit in Google today and created my own little web page. O how fun! It is a work in progress so be gentle. I am going to use it to store my free patterns and tutorials. I've added a link in my sidebar to the page also. Hope you like it. Here's the URL:

I've been surfing some of the rings tonight because I don't feel like handwork. Can you imagine? Anyway. Have you noticed the warped text on the text verification? And I thought it used to be hard to read. I had to type a verification 2 or 3 times on some blogs. For me, it is just getting harder and harder to read.


  1. You have a very clever inner geek -- the site looks great! It's really handy to keep your tutorials there, too.

  2. *She's a super-geek, super-geek . . . she's super-geeky! bowm bowm bowm.*

  3. I like your page, I'll be checking it out when yo post new things. I love the fingerless gloves! awesome!

  4. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Hey-pretty good job of geeking happening on your new site! Looks good. I agree with you about the warped verification text. Sometimes these aging eyes find it impossible to decode the letters. I just thought it was me!

  5. It's not just you! I thought I needed yet another pair glasses! Like the web page.

  6. Your website looks wonderful. Looks like a great reference.

    Sometimes I do think they make it super hard on purpose, and make you do it twice. Especially when they squish the letters together and use letters like l and i, and q and g in different sizes and shapes.
    Oops one of those must have been a g. Let's try again.

  7. I just tried the word verification using that wheelchair symbol. Oh my gosh, there is a lot of garbled noise in the background as well! It's just as bad as the word verification.

  8. Wow..hadn't heard of googlepages and now that I have it's making me think...hmmm what could I put on a webpage! Thanks fort he inspiration.

  9. How cool, you did a great job on the web page. I agree about the verification letters. Glad that it is just not me having to do it a couple of times. :)

  10. Love the dutchman's block, wow I'm impressed with your page.

  11. So far so good girl! You're such a lovely geek though...

  12. Dear Geekster or is it Geekstess? Your page is just fine and a great idea. I've been wondering how to create 'something' so that my own free plans and blocks can be used frequently, rather than buried in old blogs. Thanks for the idea!

  13. I agree with you on this warps word verification - it has been just terrible today. And after stopping by your blog earlier I had to go off and find out how to make my own web page on Google -- what fun!! Thanks.

  14. A web page is a great idea. Let us know, through your blog, about web page updates.

  15. I like your inner geek!

    Yes, I've noticed the fonts have been different lately. I hope they stop doing that.

  16. I didn't know google had websites, it looks great! Thanks for the scarf pattern, I'm also a knitter and a beginner at spinning and will try it with some of my first yarn.
