
02 June 2008

Binding the ALQS quilt

I thought I would update you on my ALQS quilt. This is the back: a black on black fabric. It is a bit hard to see, but I am up to the hand stitching phase of the binding.

Here's a trick: I don't use pins at this stage, I use three (3) micro binder clips. These are the smallest you can get at Office Depot. I stitch up to the first one and move it behind the third one in a leap-frog fashion. They stay put and I do not get scratched by a pin.


  1. Binder clips. That's brilliant! Thanks for posting this wonderful idea! I'm gonna use it for sure.


  2. Hi Paula! Thanks for a great idea. I plan to use it.

  3. Now that's a nifty idea . . . we seem to have an abundance of those clips around the house. Enjoy stitching down the binding - it's my favorite part *s*

  4. That's clever! Everyone I know seems to have their own binding techniques for holding it all in place, I have a tube of these and will give the micro-binder clips a try. Thanks, Paula!

  5. Binder clips are a great idea. I use hair clips for my binding.

  6. Thanks for the great idea. Pins are my nemesis. I store Bandaids in my sewing box to keep blood spots off the handwork!

  7. What a great idea. Those little hair clippies make me crazy. Will try this next.

  8. Boy, do I feel like I'm doing something wrong -- I never use anything, just fold and stitch. But I must say I would prefer a clip to a pin, because pins always seem to find my fingers.
