
24 June 2008


We were college roommates so long ago. She was the Maid of Honor at my wedding. She loved cats, crochet and purple. She would forward emails with dancing bunnies exhorting you to pass it on to get a smile. You know the ones I mean. I would reply to her emails with thanks, joking telling her that I didn't mind getting them because then I knew she was alive. Last week the emails stopped.

Go with God, Neener.


  1. Oh, Paula. I am soooooooo sorry to hear of your loss. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Goodness. I have tears in my eyes and sadness in my heart. I am sorry for you, Paula, sorry to hear that you won't be laughing at your friends emails any longer.

  3. Oh dear . . . I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Keep all the good times near to your heart. Think of them and the dancing bunnies whenever you want to put smile on again *s* Sending hugs.

  4. So sorry for your loss Paula. {{Hugs}}

  5. Oh gosh - I'm soo sorry. It's heartbreaking to lose a close friend, and way too young. ((((HUGS))))

  6. So sorry to hear of your hard to lose a friend. My thoughts are with you ((Hugs))

  7. Just wanted to offer my sympathy. There is nothing more to say other then how sorry I am about your friend's passing. It's a pain that nothing can make better except time. I hope there are lots of happy dancing bunnies around her.


  8. Paula, so sorry to hear you have lost someone who was a precious piece of your past. College roomies are a lot like sisters.

  9. Paula, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's another reminder to all of us on how quickly life can change. Cherish the good memories of your good friend and she will be always be alive in your heart. Hugs.

  10. Paula I am so sorry! HUGS!

  11. Paula, You know that I know just how hard loss is. I read your words and my heart stopped beating for a moment. Time flies and then in a heartbeat it all just stops still and memories coming in to floor us. Spend time remembering every silly email, every silly joke and special time. This woman was a secial part of you and still is. ((multiple, multiple hugs))

  12. So sorry to hear that you lost your friend. I'll be thinking of you.

  13. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I'm so, so sorry for your loss, Paula. I'm sending warm thoughts and hugs your way.

  14. My deepest condolences. ~ksp

  15. I am so so sorry to hear about your friend. {{{big hugs}}}

  16. My condolences on the loss of your friend, Paula! Sorry to hear! {{{hugs}}}

  17. I'm sorry Paula. Good friends are precious.
    Hugs... Evelyn

  18. So Sorry to hear about your friend Paula...

  19. Such a sad story. I'm so sorry.

  20. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I'll send some comforting prayers your way.

  21. My condolences. It's so hard to lose a friend, especially an old friend.

  22. Anonymous7:25 AM

    How terribly sad. So sorry.

  23. I am so sorry for your loss. Looks like we both have a rough week.

    Gentle Hugs,


  24. Your post touched my heart. I am verry sorry for your loss. Hugs.

  25. Paula, I'm sorry for you loss. You are in my heart and prayers.

  26. Paula, please accept my sincere condolences. How hard it is to lose someone who has been in your life that long. She lives on in your memories of her.

  27. Paula,
    So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend- it is hard to lose the ones who have touched our lives- especially the ones who connect us to our past can be particularly hard. May you find comfort in the memories and enjoy thinking about the connections that you had in the last years because of the internet. Personally, I have really appreciated the opportunities that the internet has given me to make new friends but also to reconnect me with my old friends that I had lost touch with- sharing little stories and jokes.I really appreciated your loving tribute to your friend.
    With sincere sympathy,
