
06 June 2008

"One of These Things is not Like the Others"

I have finished my little quilt for the Another Little Quilt Swap. I abstracted a photo from my swap partner's blog and then added just a bit of whimsy. All of these fabrics were pulled from the stash, including the backing.

There is one new thing on this quilt: a red piping was added to separate the blocks from the black border. I just followed Ricky Tims' instructions on his DVD. Easey peasey. It is quilted using a red Mederia Supertwist metallic thread on top and a 40 weight neon poly Mederia in the bobbin. I am quite pleased with how the quilting came out; I think I've finally gotten the hang of machine speed and hand speed. There are only a couple of places that the stitches get tiny. The quilting almost looks like I have BSR on my machine.

All in all, I had fun making this quilt. It's being washed up now and I am going to block it dry. Then it will get popped into the mail to my partner. And the title of this post? One of the blocks in the quilt is unlike the rest. Find it.

Update 6/19/08: my partner, Ramona, has received the quilt! Here is a link to the blog post that I based the quilt on. If you are a bit squeamish don't follow the link. Just sayin'.


  1. Nope - can't find it *argh* I do hope once it's received we'll get to see the original that was used as inspiration . . . I'm gonna go look at it some more *s*

  2. Found it . . . I feel so much better now *s*

  3. What a cute quilt!

  4. I like it! A lot! And I found what's not like the others. :)

  5. Great job love it.

  6. It is a beautiful quilt - I have black and white fabrics that I've collected but haven't used. I found what was not like the others. At first I was looking at the ones that didn't have the white inner round, but then I found something that reminded me of the quilt I made for my bathroom. And I've made red and black quilt before, and cobblestones, but I don't think I am a part of this swap, so I guess it isn't coming to me.

  7. "Circle" around, you'll find it... Nice work Paula. Very nice! How's the garden growing out there at your place?

  8. I found the different block. That's neat idea for the design and the name. The quilt is gorgeous.

  9. Wow -- this is a great quilt! Your partner is going to be so happy... whomever s/he is ;) (My fingers are crossed, but don't think there's anything on my blog that resembles this, so I'm thinking it's not destined for me...)

  10. I love the red piping on this small quilt. It adds an intereting and professional look to teh quilt.

  11. How cute is that!! I'm sure the receiver is going to love's like a square peg in a round hole ;)

  12. the quilt looks fabulous!

  13. The one with the round center dot. (I did not look at any other comments.)
    So cute.

  14. oh funny funny! my kids still play that sesame street game and the youngest is 14! I cn't find it.

  15. oh duh! I found it after I got the picture bigger!

  16. Wow she's a lucky one, I love the red!

  17. Your black and white quilt is great!
    I am working on 2 at the moment, and they are so much fun to make!
