
14 July 2008

Brillante Weblog Premio-2008

Sweet P at Coffee Time Quilt Studio nominated me for this award because, and I quote, "She makes adorable small quilts". Well, gosh, thank you! I try.

So here are the rules: the awarded peep puts the logo on his/her blog and needs to link back to the person who gave the award. Then the awardee nominates at least 7 other blogs, putting links of those blogs in the post. Leave a message on the blogs you nominate.

Erm, let's see. I read so many blogs; 268 at last count and I just finished paring them down. Thank goodness everybody doesn't post at the same time! But I digress. Who should I pick? O this is so hard. I don't want to leave anyone out but I only get 7.

    Libby, A Simple Girl, because we are like quilt sibs. Libby is a sweet and gentle woman who makes the bestest primitive (and not so primitive) quilts. Kim of Stillmeadow Quilting a new friend with whom I love to chat. Doesn't the name 'Stillmeadow Quilting' evoke peace? And who couldn't love a person owned by cats named Simon and Schuster? Such joie de vivre! Toni, The Quilting Pirate, who has an unabashed enthusiasm for pirates that even extends to her quilting! Elaine at Eleaine Adair Pieces because we think so much alike when it comes to quilting that it is scary. Have you noticed that, Elaine? Mrs. Goodneedle From the Strawberry Patch, is such a good story teller and writer and she just keeps you entertained and when you come to the end of a post you are sad. You just have to wait for the next post. Finn at Pieces from my Scrapbag. She has an old-fashioned sense of home and family that just fits with my sensibilities. Her trips down memory lane trigger my own memories of family. Michele (with one ell) of With Heart and Hands, A Quilting Journey has such a caring and giving spirit and posts such informative, carefully researched articles. Pop over and introduce yourself.

I could keep going but I really need to stop at seven. It is like the seven sisters quilt block now isn't it?


  1. Awww, gee. Well, thank you most kindly ma'am. I am humbled by your kind words, I do seem to have stories in me that keep bubbling their way to the surface.

  2. You really deserve the award! I was looking the other quilters blogs and they make lovely quilts too. Good choice :)

  3. I checked out the sites you listed and they are great ones too. It is amazing how many great blogs there are in the cyberworld. Thanks for listing these.

  4. Brillante, hey? I'll accept with a grin and a thanks. I'm still working on uploading the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show pics...with dial up, 30 photos has taken me over 5 hrs so far.(AOL shuts off everytime I forget to remind it that I'm still online) I'm not so 'brillante' in that regards..haha ;) More pics as we speak, but at this rate,next year's show won't be that far away!Thanks for the diamond glint, dear Paula, I'll accept a small shard wih honor!

  5. Wowza - you are going to give me a swelled head *s* I just have to say, 'Right back atcha.'

  6. how cool is that! Thanks Paula!!

  7. What a kind and generous thing you've done by sharing the award with these wonderful ladies! They (and you) share so much with all of us!

  8. Hi Paula, thank you for the nomination...I'm truly honored. Most of all I'm so happy and pleased that you feel a kinship between us, and I totally agree. It's good to have your feet firmly planted on this good earth. The spirit may soar, but it's good to be grounded *VBS* Again, deepest thanks. Hugs, Finn

  9. Congratulations on your award! Well deserved!
