
18 December 2008

Photo Story

The lovely Michele (With Heart and Hands: A Quilting Journey) has tagged me to play along on a photo game. This game is to visit the fourth picture folder on your hard drive and upload the fourth photo from that folder and share the photo's story. Working on three different computers with a total of 4 hard drives gives me a slight edge on what to show. But I will play along and show the fourth folder's fourth photo from each hard drive.
Photo #1: This photo is from the computer at work and it is of a bronze sculpture entitled: "The Good Book" by Mark Lundeen. A Grandmother is reading to her grandchildren "The Good Book". Inside the book is a relief of Noah's Ark with the animals coming two by two. It is a life-sized bronze edition of 36.

Photo #2: My Simpson's Avatar. This photo is from the My Pictures folder on the desktop at home. It kinda looks like me. *giggle*

Photo #3: This photo is from my laptop. It is a closeup of a wonderful monochromatic Double Irish Chain quilt taken at an outdoor quilt show a year ago.

Photo #4: This photo is from my external hard drive. I have lots and lots of photos here. This is a bit of my artwork. I was working on a theme of Blue Skies. This was idea #4.


  1. Neat! these show different sides to paula, beside the quilting!

  2. cool! I love all them except the simpsons one, sorry, I can't stand that show at all. I know, I know, but you know how somethings just make your flesh crawl? Homer Simpson does that to me.

  3. I love a girl that plays by the rules . . . . even though most of the time I don't *s*
