
12 December 2008

Thank you, Friend

I was in the Wool Basket this past Tuesday; the reason I was there is fodder for another post. Stopping to admire a small Christmas tree decorated with primitive wool ornaments, I fingered one and commented on how adorable it was but that I would probably never have one as I do not have a wool stash.

When I got home from work yesterday, there among the rest of the mail, was an envelope from Libby. Inside the envelope was an adorable wool wreath just like the one at the Wool Basket. Libby, how did you know? It is just so sweet and now I have one of my own.

Friend Libby, I thank you and will think of you each time I see this wreath.


  1. adorable wreath, she is just so creative don't you agree?

  2. what a lovely gift Paula.. I have a few things fellow crafters have made me and I think of them often when I see them.. a lot of people I've never met 'in the flesh' either..

    take care..


  3. What a cool wreath!

  4. Very cute tiny those types of things on the tree!

  5. Well how cute is that!!! Its amazing the way people can come up with the most creative ideas.

  6. Anonymous7:00 AM

    What a good friend and a good gift!

  7. That wreath IS darling! What a way-cool idea!

  8. Beautiful wreath. So nice that Libby thought to send that off to you. I didn't know you were interested in any wool other than yarn. I've fallen in love with wool too. I'm happy that you found this kind gift in your mail, I know what it is to receive an unexpected gift...some from you! :)

  9. Isn't it wonderful! I got one too and the wool in it was so amazing!

  10. Dear Paula,
    I can't believe you came into the shop the other day! You told me about the wreath that your friend made you just like the one I made for the shop and I just connected all the dots when I read your blog. Please introduce yourself to me next time your are in the shop. I am a big fan of all of your projects!!! Lynn

  11. How crazy is that! See something you like, go home and find one like it in your mail box. The little wreath is really nice.
