
23 January 2009

Princess Feather

When I was at the local museum partaking of the Gee's Bend exhibit I spied this beauty in one of the display cases in a different exhibit. This is a two color Princess Feather quilt. It was given by A.D. Hagemen to his wife as a wedding gift c.1871. The quilting is exquisite and is 1/2" apart. Look at how the unknown quilter quilted a feather design in and around the feathers. Another thing was the extensive quilting inside the applique pieces. Wish I could do hand quilting like this. I know I can't, because I just put the last stitch in a small quilt last evening. My stitches are not tiny and, lately, they are not even consistent. *sigh*.

I've been plodding along on the first pair of bartered tube socks. Can we say boring? It is not the yarn but the design: a tube stock done with stockinette stitch. *yawn!* I've been trying to hurry on these by doing 2 at a time but it still seems interminable.

It is probably going to be a bit quiet around La Casa del Quilter as I am only working on tube socks *yawn* and the 4SQS5 that I can't show you. Speaking of which, it has turned out so well that I am going to make myself one in red, white and green; you know, the colors found in a Baltimore Album quilt. I've always wanted a quilt in those colors and this pattern will work wonderfully.


  1. Well, thanks for sharing this beauty while you know your boring socks! LOL! That's a spectacular quilt.

  2. You will be glad you yawned through those socks when the barter begins.
    What size needles? If a size two we are talking about 8 rows to an inch. How many minutes does it take to do a row? That is the kind of thing I think of to get through the duller moments.

    Thank you for sharing that quilt...

  3. Anonymous8:05 PM

    How wonderful that Auntie's condo sold, news like that would certainly be welcomed. At this stage in my knitting life (I use that term loosely, I might add), I would be thrilled to be able to do what you're doing. But it's ok for you to yawn since you're an accomplished knitter, and I'm note even one yet, just a wannabe. ;D

  4. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Obviously I'm not a good speller either. Ahem....I am embarrassed. I do it too often, make typos cause I hurry.

  5. It is a beautiful quilt. Way beyond my skill level. Congratulations on the sale of the condo. I'm looking forward to seeing your swap quilt - everytime I make one of those, I feel like I should be making one for myself. The color combination sounds good - I look forward to seeing what you do with that as well.

  6. *yippee* The condo is sold. That must be a big relief for you and Auntie, too.
    Love the feather quilt. Someday maybe I'll have nice, small, even stitches . . . . in the meantime, I'll just keep trying.

  7. The quilting around that feather is astounding. I can't even imagine being that skilled (or having that good eyesight!). As for your plans to make a red and green quilt, I think any design would look good in that traditional combination. My mom says that when she was a girl almost every quilt her relatives made was red and green, it was so entrenched a color scheme, and it didn't connote Christmas either (I think that's a more modern thing).

  8. Wow - that about sums it up. AND the condo sold - that alone is an accomplishment. Gracious me! Goodie on you!


  9. my guess is that this quilter spent loads of time doing hand quilting which, of course, made her stitches so tiny and perfect. all it takes is practice, I think..i know when quilting a quilt, by the end of the project, my stitches are better.

  10. oh my gosh! that is a gorgeous quilt! thanks for showing it!!!

  11. Tube socks. They don't have heels? I think I could do that. I am trying to take up knitting again.
    Thanks for sharing the lovely quilt.

  12. Fantastic that Aunties condo has sold. Wow! Gorgeous quilt too.

  13. WOW...that is amazing.

  14. Congrats on the condo sale! The PF quilt is spectacular, thank you for sharing, I could look at a quilt like that all day long...

  15. Came over from Sio's blog post today. Goodness yes - look at that feather quilting around the feathers. I always wonder what type of inner spirit these type of quilters had (have) to complete such tasks. Amazement. Thanks for linking up.

  16. Incredible quilting - all of us can appreciate the many hours spent to achieve this...a wonderful quilt and thank you for sharing it with us.
