
04 February 2009

Good News and not-so-good news

The good news is that Ravelry wants to feature this photo (and therefore maybe the pattern) on the front page.

The not-so-good news is that my hours at work have been cut to 20 hours a week. I knew it was coming and to deal with it I made a list. A list of all those little jobs around the house that I've wanted to get done. Now I will have an extra day (Friday) in the weekend to maybe get some of the items done. Once the novelty of extra time per week wears off, I will start on my list. I am trying to look at this as a glass half full situation.


  1. I am sure you will think up of fun things to do with your extra time. Perhaps even use some of that fabric and create. ;o) It's good that you are looking at it as half full! Cheers!

  2. Sorry to hear about your cut in hours but sounds like you will make lemonade. Enjoy the extra time!

  3. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I am down to three days a week but really love it! We have tightened our belts and found that it is doable. Don't know where all my time goes on those days.

    Hope you will be able to make the most of this extra time to be creative.

    congrats on the ravelry interest. hope it opens up a new avenue for you!

  4. Excellent news from Ravelry! How exciting. Sort of offsets the other a bit hopefully.

  5. AT least right now-- the door isn't shut, it's still cracked open... Just keep your eyes scanning for that window that's going to come flying open if that door shuts...You've got a support team, hope things work out.

  6. Anonymous12:03 AM

    I'm so sorry about the hours Paula, though you're right, the glass is half-full! Put the extra time and energy into creativity, and more good things like the Ravelry interest will come along. That really is good news!

  7. Half full is good! Another way to look at it....cut 1 day and not 5! You know, the other thing about making lemonade is that eventually more lemons grow and you can fill that glass back to the top!

  8. Congrats on the Ravelry success! That's great! Sorry about the job, though. As you say, there's some compensation in being able to be home more.

  9. A positive outlook is most likely the best plan for the current times . . . . keep your eyes open, you never know what's just around the corner.

  10. Sorry to hear about the cut in hours. Hopefully you'll be able to fill your time with creative pursuits.

  11. Hey...the glass is indeed, half've still got work when so many do not. And, you are a giving and creative spirit...what you don't use with creating, I know you'll use for giving! So, let the 'ravelry' begin! You're an awesome woman, no matter where you're working, giving, or playing on the front cover ;)

  12. I have complete faith in your ability to happily fill that long weekend with all good and creative things...not long ago hat you were dreaming about the idea of more time at home. Hopefully unemployment benefits will make up for lost wages so it isn't a huge worry.

  13. Great news about the knitting feature on Ravelry! D' just made a pair of Double Mittens for me. Wool, soft and warm.

  14. Congrats on the Ravelry fame! And good for you for being aware of what could be happening with your work...and being a jump ahead of the game.

  15. Congratulations.....wonderful news. I hope the loss in hours won't be much of a hardship for you.

  16. That's is great about the scarf. Sorry about your hours. Good luck with your "to do" list.
