
25 March 2009

Quilt Retreat

Quilt retreat coming up this weekend. Three full days of quilting and fun!

The main project has been cut into a kit and is waiting in the project box. It is the commission quilt, you know, the one I traded for many cords of firewood.

The red/white/blue disappearing 9-patch came back from the long arm quilter. The binding is cut but not assembled or attached. This needs to be done so the quilt can go to Alycia for Quilts of Valor. Need to do this so it can go to retreat as my hand-work project.

A pair of socks was cast on for Little Sister. She wanted blue but I chose to use yarn on hand and because the socks are a bit larger than I normally make I had to choose yarn that runs slightly more yards per skein, therefore I hope she doesn't mind a pair of Halloween socks *smile*. These will be going to retreat with me also. The socks are being knit in the Magic Loop method of two socks at the same time on one long (40") circular needle.

The paint bucket that contains the dark scraps for string piecing will come along for the ride, not that I'll get to them, but I might.

That takes care of the projects. The featherweight is packed up and all sewing supplies are accounted for except thread. Need to add thread. It is supposed to snow on Thursday, now doesn't that just figure. I get to drive in the snow. Fun.


  1. Paula, I LOVE your new header. Have fun on your retreat, you're well prepared. Be careful in the snow. This kinda weekend is good for both body and sewl (sorry!), couldn't resist!

  2. Sounds like fun. I hope you have a safe journey and enjoy the retreat.

  3. Love the new blog digs. Very nice

    Enjoy the retreat. It's probably not legal to think of the things I would do for some quiet time with my machine and stash.

    I hope you get a lot done. ~ksp

  4. I suspect the wood hauler is getting a great deal for this firewood - I hope you got at least a hundred cords! Enjoy the retreat, the time away with quilter friends will do you good. :)

  5. Have a most delightful time at your retreat. I'll be looking forward to pictures. Drive safe in the snow.

  6. My son called from Vail and told me about the snow! Even he is sick of winter! But that is perfect weather for a retreat. Stay safe getting there.

  7. Sounds fun. I love the header you have now. I am expecting great things from your retreat. can't wait to see them.

  8. A retreat sounds like fun - enjoy!

  9. Sounds like you are all ready to go and have a lot of fun planned! Love your new header.

  10. I wish you a great 3 days...what fun....keep warm....happy sewing...!

  11. Have fun on your retreat!

  12. Have fun at your retreat!

  13. Are hand knitted socks really comfy? I see a lot of people making them. I have never knitted or worn them even as a child.

  14. Hello!
    I am a junior at the Maryland Institute College of Art and am doing a thesis on quilting. I was wondering if I could interview you. If you are interested please email me at

    Thank you!!
    -Carissa Holly
