
20 April 2009

Allergy Eyes

I've been MIA -- laid out comatose on the sofa with an allergy attack compounded by a virus I picked up somewhere. I am somewhat better, but the eyes now have it. CarGuy said I looked like I had been on a two week bender. At least on a bender one would have some semblance of fun. The doc gave me a nasal steriod spray to reduce all the membrane swelling and redness that I will have to use for the next month. Did I ever tell you I was highly allergic to trees? I'll spare you a photo.


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Ouch! Allergy to trees in the spring is not good. I hope you are on the mend soon.

  2. Ack... Hope you are on the mend.

  3. Oh I hope you feel better soon! Allergies are awful, doubly so when they affect the eyes. So frustrating.

  4. Oh, my heart goes out to you. That is not fun. My grandchildren suffer and I feel so badly for them.

    Allergic to trees? Any tree? Ouch.

  5. Hope you are feeling better really soon. How's it going without so much (outside the home)work? I wasn't meaning to be snoopy about your finances, but just wondering if it is going alright.
    Good wishes,

  6. *ugh* That is not fun in any way, shape or form. I hope the pollen season is over quickly for you and you back to normal real fast!

  7. You and my son, same symptoms. Feel better soon~ this too, will pass.

  8. Hope you are doing better. Do you get that metallic taste in the back of your mouth when you use the steroid nasal spray? Ack, nasty. But it helps. (Spoken by a person who can be laid low by pine trees.)
