09 April 2009

Quilt of Valor

As a member of a small quilt group, The Material Girls, I coordinated an effort to make a quilt to contribute to the Quilt of Valor Foundation via Alycia. The members of the quilt group are, like most groups, of varying skills. A Disappearing 9-patch was the perfect solution. Or so I thought. I forgot about the hand piecers, and so those squares were re-enforced by machine. I ignored the various sizes of things when trimming the blocks in order to be able to get this done in time to hand off. One of our members does long arm quilting and volunteered to quilt it and used a star design on her Statler. I learned that explicit instructions must be given when working with neophytes.

All that said and done, it turned out well.


  1. I think it looks great! Disappearing 9 patch is harder than people think. There are so many spots to match up and so many spots where the corners can get chopped. Group efforts are always challenging. You done good, Girl.

  2. A great quilt! Nice to 'see' you again. 8-))

  3. material girls - love it!

  4. Whoa, you took on quite a challenge, but it sure turned out beautiful!

  5. It turned out beautifully.

  6. Great effort. I'm sure the solider that gets it will appreciate it. ~ksp

  7. It turned out very well! I have found that everyone sews a little differently and it is always difficult to take blocks made by lots of different folks and have it come together in a neat and tidy quilt. This one looks great - well done!

  8. Anonymous11:36 AM

    It is a nice quilt...I thought I recognized the quilt pattern.
