
02 April 2009

Retreat Prizes Galore!

Retreats are so much fun! The guild I belong to puts on a spectacular retreat with lots of door prizes and goodies. Here's a list of what I garnered:
  • Quilter's Dream Poly black craft size batting
  • Thimbleberries Melon Slice Kit. Funny story about this: today I went into the quilt shop that donated the quilt and the owner said that when she got my thank you note she laughed because it was funny that out of all the women at the retreat I was the least likely to want a Thimbleberrie. But I think it is cute! Can't wait to make it up.
  • a little kit for a wool sewing kit shaped like a pear
  • a pattern from Bonnie Jean Rosenbaum -- Cabin Rose. I looked for it online but could not find a link. She must be a somewhat local designer as she is from New Mexico.
  • Mary Englebreit note cards, sticky notes and a magnet
  • a Colorbok note pad
  • Post-it notes
  • a very large chocolate bar, gone now
  • retractable tape measure
  • and a gift certificate to a gift shop in a nearby town.
And then the other night at the guild meeting I won another gift certificate. I need to go buy some lottery tickets.


  1. Buy one for me too, while you're there! ;)

    You scored quite a haul.

  2. Totally! Go NOW!

  3. Can we rub your head for luck?

  4. Sweet prizes! Enjoy all of them.
