
28 April 2009

Yarn plus Kool-aid equals

Do you remember when I told you about dying yarn with Kool-Aid? I used 6 packets of non-sweetened grape Kool-Aid for this result. I am half way through the second sock.

The funny thing is it smell SO GOOD as I work with it -- just like grape kool-aid. I did rinse and rinse and rinse so I don't understand the aroma. Is it power of suggestion?

Easy waffle knit pattern: knit 2 rows, k2,p2 on 2 rows and repeat.


  1. equals very pretty yarn!

  2. I am so tempted to try dying, but have not because why do I need something else to do? But then I see something like this and I am thinking...oooh...must try!

    Next thing I know, I will be growing my own stuff to dye with...

  3. I have been trying so hard not to get into that........ Maybe after the MOVE (if it ever happens)... If not I am sure God has a good reason.

  4. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Yummy color from a yummy flavor! Next trip to yarn shop I'm going to get some needles for knitting socks as a blog buddy sent me some sock yarn, I might as well give it a try.
    I hope you're feeling all better by now from that sickness you had.

  5. What a beautiful colour! I can smell the grape from here!

  6. I'm amazed at all the shades and the beauty of the colors. Why isn't it solid colored? (You can't tell I know nothing about dying.) I'm really impressed.

  7. I took a guild class on dyeing wool with Kool-aid. She did wool pieces for applique, but it must be the same idea. Never thought about it smelling . . . . I sure don't need another reason to think about food *s*

  8. I think that would be leading me to the kitchen if it smells like grape. Very pretty color.

  9. looks good enough to drink! great color!

  10. I've never dyed with Kool-Aid. What color was the yarn before you dyed it? I love the color now.

  11. WOW! that is AWESOME!! and if you dye all your yarn with kool aid you won't have to worry about your family having stinky feet right? they will all smell like a fruit basket! oh, I meant that in a GOOD way!

  12. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Very pretty! I have never tried that, will have to sometime. Do you knit your socks from the toe up? I sure want to learn that method, but the casting on scares the dickins out of me.

  13. How cool is that? Enticing coloring and a great scent. I'm all over that!!!

  14. I'm an avid sock knitter and would love to try this Koolaid dying! I'm curious what the yarn looked like before dying? Was it a single color or multi color or ?? Also, is it 100% wool?

  15. Thank you! These are lovely socks, I am spinning some white wool I am planning on kool aid dyeing.
