
23 June 2009

The Hot Season

Photo is from iStockPhoto

We are having the hot here too. But unlike lands to the east, we don't have the humidity. Although we did have high humidity last Saturday and the ends of my hair curled like a telephone cord which made me do a simplified hair style for the wedding I attended. Of course, it didn't really matter since it started to rain shortly after the (outdoor) ceremony finished.

The hot is making me alter my sewing plans. I usually attend a small quilt group called The Finishing Club every other Friday and this coming Friday is one of our meeting days. I usually take handwork, which right now is knitting if you can believe it, but I am going to stay home and sew up those Warm Window blinds. It REALLY needs to get done. I have all the measurements and materials, but have been procrastinating. With the arrival of the hot, even with our A/C on, the kitchen, guestroom and hallway are roasting. Those are the places with the clerestory windows. I can't wait any longer.

Sidebar: when I stand at the kitchen sink, the clerestory windows are behind and above me. When the ceiling fan is on, which is all the time in the summer, without coverings over the windows the light streaming through the moving fan blades acts like a strobe light in the sink. Very disorienting.

I was asked by my quilt guild, which likes to be called a League BTW, to be their official photographer at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Show in August. When I asked "why me?" the reply was that they liked the photos on my blog. Go figure. I get in free, though.

Speaking of the quilt show in August, it is the only time this year that the 2009 Hoffman Challenge will be seen in one place. That is because the curator of the Challenge is a local girl.

So now I am thinking of buying a new camera. I gave my old SLR film camera to TheKid a couple of years ago. I have been using a Kodak Easyshare 6.1MegaPx that is starting to show it's age in the quality of the photo. After doing some research I have narrowed down the cameras to a Nikon DSLR D60 or a Canon Rebel EOS. I am leaning heavily to the Nikon. Anybody have a favorite? I have even figured out a way to pay for it within my budget! Cashback rewards from a credit card AND some found money in the Great Colorado Payback. Pretty cool, huh?


  1. I'm so glad the heat hasn't started up here . . . . yet. Rather, we have had a break thru of the sun. It's been shining brightly for three days now - unheard of *s*

  2. Its pretty hot here too and we have humidity where I am! So I have been staying in the shade and not doing much sewing.
    Congrats on getting to be the photographer! Can't wait to see pics in a few months!

  3. You do take great pictures, and will take terrific photographs at the show. What a great honor! They probably wouldn't expect you to get a new camera, but it sounds like a great reason to do so! I don't have an opinion - I know my sister wants a Rebel, so she can play with the choices herself, but I don't know how it compares with the Nikon. I would read up on reviews online and on consumer reports, etc. On the camera we got (Kodak but much cheaper than rebel) we wanted to make sure that it had 1. nice long lasting rechargeable battery but with AA battery capability for emergencies and 2. a viewfinder since you really can't see the screen in bright light conditions

  4. Yes we are hot here also. I agree with your quilters, your photos are excellent! Keep cool.

  5. I have nothing kind to say about the heat my friend. I do however believe in Nikon's although I don't own A digital one so I wouldn't listen to me on that. I did want to mention a silly... In my first read I glanced down and read "I have...a way to pay for it...!" as: A WAY TO PRAY FOR IT. Not that praying isn't helpful but the context, well, I'm just sayin'... *karendianne.
