
31 July 2009

And the winners are...

pass the envelope please! The Random Number Generator picked the numbers, although it would have been really cool if I could have used some kind of sorting hat like the one used at Hogwarts. Anyway, without further ado the winners are

Marilyn R of Piece By Piece for the Snowman Collector pattern

and Cathi of A Quilter's Christmas for the Thoughts of Christmas pattern

Congratulations ladies! Please email me (link is here) with your snail mail addy. Look for the patterns by USPS.


  1. Thank you Paula! I am a happy happy quilter right now!

  2. Got mine in the mail yesterday! Thanks so much. Hope to blog about it soon but didn't have time to take pics last night. I can't wait to get started on this one but I'm sure it will be for NEXT Christmas!
