
15 July 2009

Projects in the Works

The computer projects
  • Now that Blurb can slurp Blogger, I've been working diligently on Blurb books of my blog. So far Year 2005 and Year 2006 are printed and Year 2007 is in the works. Year 2008 waits in the wings and Year 2009 will be done in January. I have found that I need to keep the original raw photo file for printing, otherwise the photos are so stinking tiny you can hardly see them. Year 2007 will be a better book and years 2008 onward will be okay because I still have all of those photo files.
  • CorelDraw had to be installed at work so the cdr files I have could be converted to a file format that could be imported into InkScape. It is such an old version of CorelDraw that it will not work under Vista, hence using the work computer. I downloaded InkScape onto the home computer and like it but it cannot import cdr files yet. Now that I have converted all the files I no longer need to use CorelDraw. But I still need to learn InkScape.
  • Grandmother Martha's two handwritten cook books are being scanned, page by page. These books not only have recipes but poetry and a list of Christmas presents she was giving to family and friends. These will be used in a future project that involves digital scrapbooking, recipes, photos and family items.
The fiber projects
  • Thrifted yarn has resulted in 10 knitted hats for a local charity, a stack of crocheted afghan squares for the ShipsProject, a preemie crocheted blanket and a crocheted Project Linus blanket. Any suggestions where I can donate the preemie crocheted blanket?
  • Gail Pan's A Christmas Wish BOM stitchery is currently caught up.
  • Prepping of the over 300 applique pieces for the Iris quilt continues.
  • The Firewood quilt has stalled mainly because I have been working on the Roman Shades.
  • The Roman Shades (Warm Window quilts) are mostly done -- at least the sewing bit of them. I am ready to add all the rings. Once that is done we can cut the mounting boards to size. O and the metal rods that will be used for weight at the bottoms of the shades need to be cut too. I need to remember to stitch the ends of the rod pockets closed: don't need to have metal rods hurtling down upon us. Mounting these things still needs to be orchestrated.


  1. You've got a lot on your plate! The cookbooks sound really interesting, what a wonderful bit of family history.

  2. Lordy, lordy girl! You is busy! I am truly humbled and impressed. Well done.

    I think the idea of Grandma's cookbooks being saved (well) sounds just fabulous. I have some of my mother's recipes and have made copies for my kids to have.

    You've upped the bar for all of us. Onward!

  3. Wow, you have been busy! Can't wait to see all your finished projects!

  4. That's quite a list! i must make a blog book...I keep thinking about it and never get around to it!

  5. I was interested to hear of your experience with Blurb. How wonderful to have a hard copy record of your blog. And yes, low resolution photos are best for online use but are not so good when it comes to print publication.

  6. Have never heard of Blurb - will definitely check it out, thanks. And the cookbook project sounds wonderful, you are so fortunate to have this piece of family history to pass on.

  7. I'm trying to find time to update all my photos too, but on Picasa and as well never heard of Blurb...I'm going to look at them.
    I have scanned my mother's black and white photos and tweeked them then reprinted and saved them to's work that takes me away from didn't say where that time slot was in your
    I found your comments at Caron's blog and thought I would visit.
    I'll be back. I like this place for coffee in the morning!

  8. Wow! You have been busy. I use Blog2Print from SharedBook to create my blog books. Your idea of scanning Grandma's cookbooks is great.

  9. Blurb . . . what fun *s* But Grandma's cookbook is the best. Something wonderful for you to have and an even more lovely gift should The Kid take A Bride.

  10. Congrats on all of your finishes, and on your progress on the WIP's!

  11. Dang you are productive!! I'm envious, my head is spinning with all you have done.
