
20 July 2009

A Single Thread

Want a good read? I highly recommend A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick. It's like attending a quilting bee with all of your best friends. This is a novel populated with people you know: the quilt shop owner, the older friend with the crusty exterior, the young novice quilter, the unemployed marketing manager. As they gather together, you will feel like you are right there with them sharing theirs fears, anger, sorrow and triumphs. Be sure to read this one.


  1. Thanks for the recommendation! I'm always looking for a good read...

  2. Actually, it does sound cute. And it reminded me of something that was so funny. At the Gee's Bend lecture in Sisters, Florine Smith, sitting on the far left, stole our attention (and the show) by repeatedly picking at a supposed thread on her clothing! It was hilarious because every single quilter in the room could relate! And it only goes to show what a difference 'a single thread' can make!

  3. Enjoyed this story and now moved on to it's sequel, A Thread of Truth!

  4. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Sounds like my type of a read and I will be looking for this one. I thank you for sharing about it or I likely would have overlooked it. Can't wait to find it!

  5. I'm going to check the library - I need something for the bedside table *s*

  6. Thanks for the info. Always looking for a good read, my husband is having a knee replacement done soon. so I will have some time off, hopefully I will get some reading (and knitting) done.

  7. Thanks for the recommendation. I am always on the look out for a good book!

  8. I saw this suggestion on your blog and checked "A Single Thread" out of the library. It was so good, I then read A Thread of Truth, and hope to find another one soon. Thanks, carline
