
21 September 2009

Goings On Around La Casa del Quilter

There has been a lot of quilting and knitting related activities around La Casa del Quilter lately. Hmmm... let's see...
• the center quadrants of the Firewood Quilt have been removed from the design wall, pin basted AND  machine quilted in a medium sized meander. Upon laundering, this meander will result in a softer quilt.
• remember the post on the Iris Quilt way back in April? Last Saturday, Quilty Friend and I were in my sewing room and since the Firewood Quilt was no longer on the design wall the whole cloth portion of the Iris Quilt went up. The leaves and stems of the center medallion were pinned on and then the whole thing was removed from the design wall and draped over the basting table. Note to self: buy more 3/4" applique pins.
• did you notice my new signature for posts? I have been having Photoshop fun!
• on the knitting front two (2!) pair of socks have been completed along with one scarf with a second scarf was recently cast on the needles. Here is a funny for you: every other Friday I attend a small group that mainly embroiders or appliques. For the past several meetings, I have been teaching one of the ladies to knit socks. She had to leave early on Friday, but after she left, the leader of the group asked me to teach her to knit socks. It seems I have started to turn this mainly quilting group into a knitting group. O! and I also was able to move 4 skeins of a Merino wool out of the stash via Ravelry. I ♥ Ravelry.
• the leaves are changing in the high country and TheKid said that he drove through a snow storm (with thunder and lightning too) on Cottonwood Pass. Over the Continental Divide. Above treeline. In the dark. I raised a crazy boy; it's a wonder I don't have more gray hair.
• I have also committed to Finn's New Year's Eve challenge over at Pieces from my scrapbag. There seems to be about 3 QOV tops that need quilting and then binding.


  1. You are one busy gal, quilting and kintting. I love your new siggie, too. I need to have photoshop FUN instead of Photoshop FEAR! ;)

  2. Oh you "leader and ender" you! Just kidding but I thought it fit (metaphorically) with the quilting group shifting focus to a knitting group. :)

    I'm SOOO excited about Iris as I have not forgotten! Plus, I feel the Firewood Quilt really could come down off the wall. I was ready, weren't you?

    I enjoy the shot of the trees as the high country shifts into fall. Thanks for sharing that. And, well, you did raise a crazy boy but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!!!

    Tree Love, *karendianne.

  3. Well now you have been sufficiently razzzzzzzzed by Karen Dianne, lol, so I'll just say I am glad to hear you are knitting and sewing up all sorts of wonderful goodness over there in CO. I'm guessing we'll see those pretty new socks show up here on the internet at some point. Will stay tuned. Did we not have kids in order to gray our hair?

  4. It is a nice siggie. You certainly have been busy. Hopefully we will have some photos soon. Have you told your son the story about the Donner Party?

  5. Oh boy, I wish I were near enough for a Photoshop lesson - I just can't seem to understand it (okay, I don't open my mind much either *s*)
    Love the photo - is that scenery somewhere near you? I see the trees are changing in your neck of the woods.

  6. Sounds like you are having a lot of fun and getting a lot done. Love your new signature - great job!

  7. I love to knit socks, but lately it's sweaters for the winter for my grandkids. So I have one sock made, and don't know when I'll do the other. One thing my knitting group does is to make things for the homeless,(or soon to be not-homeless). We make hats and blankets, mostly. but we make sweaters and other stuff, too

  8. Hi!

    Congratulations! Your readers have submitted and voted for your blog at The Daily Reviewer. We compiled an exclusive list of the Top 100 quilting Blogs, and we are glad to let you know that your blog was included! You can see it at

    You can claim your Top 100 Blogs Award here

    P.S. This is a one-time notice to let you know your blog was included in one of our Top 100 Blog categories. You might get notices if you are listed in two or more categories.

    P.P.S. If for some reason you want your blog removed from our list, just send an email to with the subject line "REMOVE" and the link to your blog in the body of the message.


    Angelina Mizaki
    Selection Committee President
    The Daily Reviewer

  9. The Firewood Quilt looks fabulous -- perfect for fall.

  10. Its nice to look back and actually see where you have accomplished projects. WTG!

  11. An honor well deserved - Congrats *s*

  12. You are so productive. I am always in awe. Enjoy the rest of the week
