
28 October 2009

Declutter and UFOs

Believe it or not, both decluttering and UFOs go hand in hand. In an effort to free up some space in the yarn stash so the yarn garnered at the yard sale could be added, two completed baby afghans (one for a preemie) came to light. So  a pile of Project Linus quilts and blankets was created.

Then a there was the light bulb *AHA* moment from several weeks ago. Have you seen these Skillbuilder Panels? Both of these were quilted, a fleece layer was added to the back to cover the printing and the whole thing was tied. To bind them, the fleece was pulled from the back to the front, a decorative machine stitch was used to stitch the 'binding' down. Two items plus the fleece were decluttered and resulted in usable quilts for children.

Like Michele in her recent post: With Heart and Hands.....: Everything But the Kitchen Sink I love the occasional tied quilt. It is not only quick to do but is very soft and cuddly.

This is the pile for Finn's New Year's Eve challenge at Pieces from my scrapbag..: Crossing the T's and Dotting the I's... hopefully more will be added soon.


  1. I'm impressed! Love the fleece backing and binding idea -- I'll have to give that one a try.

  2. Great post Paula, the finished pile looks wonderful and I have added the 2 you reported. Seems you have done extra homework for this assignment project and that will earn you a big + to go next to your A!! You go girl! I loved that post of Michele's and it's so 'right on' in the land of scrappy quilts. Keep up the good work.Hugs, Finn

  3. You are rockin' and rollin' right along here, Paula. I love this. I haven't tied any quilts but I have pulled back to front and that makes a nice soft edge - I liked it.

    What a nice posting. Enjoyed it.

  4. How cool to have a pile of quilts for Project Linus. Great job!

  5. Look at you go . . . what a great stack of finishes!
