
16 October 2009

The Firewood Quilt

The Firewood Quilt

Remember this quilt? (Click on it for a bigger photo). It seems that this thing has been on the design wall forever. It all started with a trade with a guy at work and one charm pack. The one charm pack turned into seven plus a lot of stash fabric and it resulted in this quilt. I quilted this behemoth (it is 100"x100") in a divide and conquer style and I plan on doing a tutorial in a few days.

O and I am now the proud owner of 5 cords of firewood.


  1. well the quilt turned out beautiful! I hope the man appreciates it!

  2. The diamonds really change a rail fence, what a great addition! Are they in 4 pieces, appliqued, or how are they done?

  3. Wow! That is so worth 10 cords of firewood!!

  4. great quilt I reallllllly like it
    was it hard to give up???

  5. I know it was a heck of a lot of work but isn't it nice to be able to use your skills to barter for something you need? Great job!

  6. Now you will both be warm. Five cords might last the winter.

    Great job. I know you are glad to have that task marked off your list.

  7. It's a fantastic quilt you know. And, well, it was worth the wood now that it's all said and don't I'm thinkin'...

    Paula, way to follow thru girl. You're a rock!

  8. this is a great quilt -- it is on my list of to do's - I just hope I can make it as beautifully as yours... but it looks like its start date is sometime in the new year!

  9. The quilt turned out great!

  10. This is one great quilt - I lOVE it!

  11. I hope that he gave you neatly cut and well dried firewood, because he got a smokin' good deal! That is a beautiful quilt, and I think it's worth more than 5 cords of wood (and when I am paying the power bill this winter I will think of your barter and wonder if any woodcutters here need a quilt!).

  12. Beautiful. I agree the wood person got the best part of the barter.

    Is that pattern the Country Manor Charm from Strips and Strings book by Evelyn Sloppy?

  13. It is beautiful - glad he kept up his end of the bargain as well.

  14. wow... this is stunning!

  15. Your quilt is beautiful!!! I love it.

  16. A beautiful quilt and based on the big $$$$$ we paid for firewood this year (we paid and good BTW) I would say it is worth at least 15 cords of firewood...delivered, split and stacked!! Perhaps the day will come when Mr. Woodhauler will understand who got the better end of this deal.
