
23 October 2009

Fourth Blogiversary -- a giveaway.

It is The Quilter's 4th Blogiversary. Four years, can you believe it? This blog was started mainly to have a place to record  thoughts and actions about quilting. But it has morphed into something much more than an online journal. The family keeps up with me through this blog (Hi, y'all!), new work and old is posted not only in quilting but other fibery goodness, plus, occasionally, it is a wonderful place to release a bit of steam. Always one to keep a journal, I have found this blogging format excellent: it is easier to search than a hard copy book. ☺ It is also a good way to track progress on a project, too.

I have met a lot of wonderful new friends here too. Why, if it weren't for this blog I wouldn't have met YOU! I want to thank each and every one of you for taking time out from your day to visit and chat. And to thank you, I am having a giveaway! There is one qualifier to this giveaway: you need to have a viable email address and blog. If I can't respond to your comment, then you will not be in the drawing. Leave a comment on this post and you are in! The drawing closes Oct 25 at 4:00PM Mountain Daylight Savings Time. SO HURRY & COMMENT! Tell your friends! I will close the comment link at that time and do a random number generation for the winner.

Want to know what is in the drawing? I'm so excited about this for you, I could spit!
  • Four fat quarters of Kaffe Fassett shot cotton
  • Four fat quarters of Kaffe Fassett woven stripes
  • One yard (that's four fat quarters if you divide it up) of an older Kaffe Fassett print that just so happens to co-ordinate with the other 
Do you see a theme here?

So there you go! Good luck and remember, it is the luck of the draw.


  1. Congratulations! I think most of us share your experience of blogging evolving into something we didn't expect at the beginning. Fun, isn't it?

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I know I've been reading your blog ever since I started blogging nearly three years ago and I'm glad we became bloggy friends. Happy 4th anniversary and please keep the posts coming. Your blog is among my Faves :)

  3. 4 years - wow!! Congratulations on the milestone. I always enjoy your posts.

  4. $ years of blogging - that is great. Hope you continue to have lots of wonderful things to share.

  5. My very best wishes and congratulations to you, dear woman. You were one of the very first textile bloggers that I was privileged to get to know and one of the nicest. You have sent me little gifts from your own hands and heart when I needed them most and your posts are always well written, interesting, and offer many teachable moments! May you continue to bless us with many years more!!!

  6. Happy Blogiversary! Read about your giveaway over on Connie's blog so hope you don't mind a new reader stopping by. I love Kaffe Fassett and have started a collection of fabrics for a someday project!

  7. Happy Anniversary Paula! Enjoy your posts and look forward to many more. :)

  8. Yours was one of first quilty blogs I discovered and helped inspire me to start my own. Your entertaining posts & generous spirit sharing your expertise have made you one of my favorite bloggers. Congratulations on your blogiversary and may there be many, many more!

  9. Paula you are too sweet to be giving away these fabrics - and I definitely want to be included. blessings, marlene

  10. Anonymous9:43 AM

    What a sweet giveaway. I tried hosting one not too long ago in honor of my new son but not many people commented. My winner has yet to respond.

    I'd love to be in! Happy Anniversary I hope there are many more to come.

  11. Happy Anniversary!!!!

    Congrats on the milestone!!

  12. Happy Anniversary! I just started blogging this year and don't do it regularly yet. Maybe this winter. Lovely fabrics!

  13. Congratulations! I'd love to be included in your draw.

  14. Congrats on the milestone.

  15. Happy Blogiversary and I am so glad I discovered your blog. I have never owned any Kaffe Fassett fabrics, so please count me it - would be fun to win these.

  16. Paula my 4 year blogoversary is coming up soon too! Sounds like we started blogging for the same reasons and have had similar results. It is wonderful we could meet all the wonderful people we have.

  17. Happy Blogversary to you. I have been reading your blog for a couple of years now and enjoy your posts.

  18. Four years and going strong. Congratulations!

  19. Congratulations on hitting the 4-year mark! Your blog is alwaysinteresting...

  20. I'm so excited for you I could spit, too! hee. You totally crack me up. I needed that little bit of a giggle. Congrats and I am, as they say, "all in!"

  21. Oh, yes please enter me in the drawing - what lovely fabrics! I so enjoy your blog - it was one of the first that I started reading, and you are always entertaining and informative. And, you've been kind and generous to help a blogging newbie.

  22. 4th year! Love that fabric!

  23. Happy Blogiversary!

  24. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Happy Blogiversary!!! Don't you just love Kaffe Fassett fabrics - so bright and cheerful!

    Debbie in Charleston, WV

  25. Happy blogiversary! I know I've been reading your blog for long time. I agree with your comments about a blog. For me, I can type faster than I can write so blogging is great for me.

  26. Happy blogiversary!! Great going! We are always entertained

  27. Congratulations! 4 years is a long time!
    Love those Kaffe Fassette fabrics yum!

  28. 4 years is a long time - I have had my blog about 3 1/2 and I still enjoy it. I love the Kaffe fabric and just finished a Kaffe quilt top. Looking forward to the next 4 years.

  29. HI Paula,
    I always enjoy my visit to your blog- it is interesting to see how one's views and ideas about blogging change.
    Have a wonderful blog anniversary- congratulations on celebrating four terrific years.
    I love the beautiful Kaffe Fassett fabrics.

  30. Happy four years! I really enjoy your blog and I really admire your quilting skill and talent! Thanks for offering this great prize!

  31. I tried to leave a comment yesterday, but Blogger wasn't being very nice.

    Congrats on your 4th birthday. When I started blogging all those years ago your blog was one of the first I added to Bloglines. I also think you were one of the first people to leave a comment on my blog. How time flies when you are having fun!

  32. Happy Blogaversary. Four years already. I guess time flies when you're having fun.

  33. Happy blogiversary Paula. I'm glad you are here.

  34. hi
    please count me in and keep blogging!!

  35. Happy Blogiversary! I am a new quilter and have been working on my first quilting pattern and loving it!

  36. Congratulations on your blogoversary! I love blogging myself. It's my public journal of life. It's also a great way to keep record of my knitting and beading.

    Thank you for the contest.

  37. Congratulations on four years!

  38. Happy 4th Blogiversary!!!!, please count me in your giveaway!, thank you for the chance!

  39. Happy blogiversary! What a generaous giveaway!

  40. Happy Blogoversary! Four years is a long time- congratulations!

  41. Anonymous2:55 PM

    congratulations! and love the fabrics!

  42. congrats, love ur blog enter me hope I win lol :)

  43. Happy Blogiversary! and thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful fabric.

  44. Wow, four whole years. Amazing and well done!
    Please enter me in your giveaway. I will keep my fingers crossed and hope to make something special with your anniversary fabric giveaway. Congratulations!

  45. Happy Blogiversary! That is quite milestone...good for you. I'd love to be entered in your giveawy that fabric!

  46. Congratulations! Great giveaway! I'd love to be in!

  47. Happy blogversary. What a wonderful giveaway--beautiful fabrics.

  48. Congrats on your blogiversary! Wish I had been able to keep up and get in on the drawing!!!

    Hope you worked out your stove issues!
