
30 October 2009

A Quilting Tip

Quilting Tip
Here's a quick tip for you. I wanted to do some wavy line quilting on the borders of a quilt and I needed to keep them parallel. So I took a hint from the long arm quilters and used a small ruler. To keep it from slipping on the fabric I sprayed the bottom of the ruler with some Sulky KK 2000. Voilá! No slippage and nice straight  parallel wavy lines.


  1. Cool idea. I have to admit you kind of threw me for a minute saying you wanted to keep your wavy lines straight, I mean wouldn't that make them straight lines? But then I saw a sample of your wavy lines to the left of yoru hand and I see what you meant.

  2. I often use the serpertine/wavy stitch and walking foot to do simple quilting. It's a very efficient way of securing the three layers and more interesting and forgiving than quilting in the ditch. Sometimes I just line the edge of the walking foot up with a straight seam. Other times, I will mark a chalk line with my Clover chaco liner tool across the quilt top and then quilt the line.

  3. Great tip! sorry I missed your giveaway. But happy blogiversary! the yarn score definitely made me jealous.

  4. I am passing this tip on to my sisters who quilt - actually I gave them the url to this page. Thanks.

  5. *ahhhhh* you clever girl.

  6. I don't get it. How can you do wavy lines with a straight ruler?

  7. I always make my wavy lines purposely not parallel but then my waves are bigger than yours.
