
07 December 2009

Charity Knitting and Crochet

These are what resulted when I was given a lot of free yarn.


  1. Well Done , that's a great effort.

  2. These are so totally beautiful.

  3. great minds think alike! I just dropped a bag of hats and mittens I finished over the summer at the shelter near me. Knitting keeps me from eating while I'm watching baseball all summer.

    never thought about the felted mittens. Got a tub of felted wool just waiting to be used. do you have a pattern you use?

  4. Great! I recently posted my pattern for charity hats.

  5. Well, you certainly put that yarn to excellent use! Those are so beautiful! I am such a slowpoke when it comes to knitting - I always feel like it is faster to make a baby quilt, but sometimes it is so nice to just sit down and knit away. Cheers! Evelyn
