
11 December 2009

Crocheting a Shawl

Have you ever visited Tanya over at Taniwa? Back in October she had a post on "Crocheting a Shawl" . It was so lovely, I had to make one. I only did 7 repeats of the central motif and probably should have done 9 to make the shawl longer. I wish there had been enough yarn to make the fringe longer, but I still really like this shawl.


  1. Very pretty! I have come to appreciate shawls in the past few years. In my youth, they were only accessories for formal dances, not really for warmth. Now, I almost always have one over the shoulders. It seems to be just the right amount of cozyness!

  2. When I saw this on Tanya's blog, I was almost tempted to take up crocheting, even though I don't really know how. Yours turned out great.

  3. Whoa you sure did crochet a Shawl! I'm a crochet person. I'd love to make a shawl like this. Well, I don't know. I better look at the pattern before I say that. I know I'd love to WEAR THIS SHAWL. For sure. I'd wear it, too. I'm just that kinda gal.

    Gosh Paula. This is beautiful. Wouldn't it make a lovely gift, too. My family is Mexican which is to say - we have some hx of wearing these as regular clothing. There are people to give this to. I better stop before I make guilt myself into something...

  4. WOW. That turned out stunning. I have done some crochet before but haven't seen anything this beautiful.

  5. I made something with a similar pattern. I should send you a photo!

  6. This is so sweet! My grandmother always made me shawls and ponchos so I always think of her when I see items like this. Thanks for triggering the memories!

  7. Your shawl is so very pretty. Love it!

  8. I think it's lovely - I love the lacy look. I saw a woman with a bright red shawl on in church today and was reminded again how glad I am that shawls are back "in." blessings, marlene

  9. Very feminine looking - so pretty.

  10. This is so pretty! Man, you are a master of all crafts!

  11. Just beautiful!

    Our church is having a quilt project ....I need to get that blog post up!....they are giving them to firefighters and other personnel for those who might need them.

  12. It takes time to do it and to make it picture perfect like this is amazing.Great work here.

  13. This is so pretty, I haven't crocheted in a while and haven't thought of using it in a shawl. I think it would be easier for me than lace knitting.
