
18 December 2009

I really do have quilts in progress


Really. Here is proof.

You are looking at my design wall. The bookcase with all the fiber related books is to the right. The backing for the donation quilt is on the wall and is actually covering the flimsy of the quilt. Of course, the quilt is done so this photo is about one week old. To the left of the backing you can see A Christmas Wish table runner that is pinned on top of the gently folded Iris Garden top.

But there has been a slowdown on quilting as I do a bit of Christmas sewing. Dear Auntie has such a dowager hump that she can not wear off the rack blouses, so I have customized a blouse/shirt pattern to fit her. My SIL and I have combined efforts on a Christmas present this year: she bought the slacks and I am making blouses to coordinate with them. Auntie will get two new outfits for Christmas. It is slickery fabric that I am working with and is slow going so it is pin pin pin and baste baste baste. *sigh*


  1. How much pleasure you are giving. Two new outfits are quite a treat.

  2. Dear Auntie will be thrilled. Nothing like having some thing fit when you can not buy to fit. Bless you.

  3. You are so good to your Auntie. It must make her so happy to have blouses that fit and look nice. I am sure that perks her up.

  4. That is really sweet of you to make the blouses. I remember you making them before as well. It seems like there might be a market for that kind of project.

  5. You know we'd never doubt for a moment that there are quilts in progress. Especially when I think of your paint bucket quilt...LOL
    Great effort for a very dear relative, doesn't get better than that, I don't think. Happy holiday hugs, Finn

  6. I'm not talented enough to figure out to make such a blouse but I'm thrilled that you have done so. I know your Aunt will be too. I've spent the last two days in the sewing room frantically finished gifts - none quilted but sewn with love nonetheless. :) blessings, marlene

  7. You're a sweetie....I'm sure your auntie will so happy!

  8. Auntie is going to be stylin' in her new duds *S*

  9. Custom made blouses - Auntie will be stylin'! All the basting, measuring and tucking will be worth it...

  10. Best wishes for a Happy Holiday

  11. You really are a loving niece...I would rather do anything else other than sew clothing :)
    Merry Christmas! Hope Santa was good to you!

  12. Next to quilt piecing, dressmaking is sich fiddle-y work, and the fabrics aren't nearly as forgiving as cotton. Bless you for outfitting Auntie in style.

    I am making quilt backs with 10 1/2" squares like that and it does run through your stash, but it is a lot of sewing. As hubby said - that's not a quilt back, it's another front. Sigh.

  13. Your Aunt is so lucky! I do wonder how you alter the blouses to fit?
