
03 December 2009

The Quilt Index

I just spent a delightful hour in the Quilt Index. Do you know about this site: The Quilt Index? It is a joint project of The Alliance for American Quilts, MATRIX: Center for Humane Arts, Letters and Social Sciences Online at Michigan State University and the Michigan State University Museum. O my, O my! What a wonderful website to wander around. Click on the link and go. I clicked on 'Browse' and then 'Time Period' and just had at it. There were 13 pages of pre-1799 quilts alone. Enjoy!


  1. Have you tried typing in a famous quilter's name. I typed in Gwen Marston and up popped some wonderful quilts.

  2. 6 of my Great Aunts Mothers quilts are in that study and are housed at MSU - I am so jealous. I only have 1 of them.

  3. What an interesting site!
