
01 January 2010

Crazy? Maybe so

If you are a frequent reader, you will have noticed that I am a member of The Appliquè Society. See it listed over on my sidebar under Society Affiliations? Recently, on the eChapter, there has been a push to make a list of the 5 (five) UFO appliquè projects members want to finish in 2010. I did not think that I had five UFO appliquè projects, but while driving back from Denver-town recently I had these items pop into my mind.

1. The Iris Garden
 You have stayed with me during my blathering on and on about this one but if you want to read more just click the link to read more about this quilt. This one is machine appliquè .


2. Father Christmas triptych.
I don't believe I have ever mentioned this one. It started in the 1980's? (check out the pin dots) with a quick (ha!) applique project of Belsnickel that turned into a larger project with nine blocks and now is back to a smaller one with three blocks. I have Belsnickel done, Father Christmas is partly done and the third is probably going to be the central figure in an Italian folk tale. This one is hand appliquè.


3. Dance!
This was a challenge quilt with MagicLady that neither one of has finished yet. I have no idea what her quilt looks like but what you see here are just a bit of the front and all of the back on mine. The rules are the perimeter could not be larger than 1200 inches total, the quilt is inspired by a song or poem, and had to use a certain fabric, which you can see there on the backing. See it? That polka-dotted one? I had this pin basted and ready to quilt but something bothered me about it so I unpinned it and it awaits further work. Of all five, this one is the closest to being finished. This one is machine appliquè.



4. Coneflower was started in a David Taylor workshop this past summer. I fully intended to finish this one because I just love the process involved. And we all know that I am a process oriented quilter now don't we? This one will be hand appliquè.

My design for the David Taylor workshop

5. Something to Crow About is another challenge quilt that MagicLady and I are doing. We each have two of these very sad vintage blocks that we picked up at a quilt show. They are wonky, ruffled, not square and the red has bled into the white making it a mottled pinkish color. The rules are to make another quilt using these blocks either whole or using bits and parts. It must be 24" square. Other than that, anything goes. I have my design and coordinating fabrics. I just need to implement. We got the idea from Vintage Revisited exhibit at a quilt show. Want to know and see more? Visit this website: I have not decided if this will hand or machine appliquè yet -- to be determined based upon the design.


And there you have it. I must be crazy.


  1. Looks like 2010 is going to be a busy one for us all! Look forward to seeing what you do with those 2 older blocks in the challenge!

  2. I admire anyone who can do applique. Uffda.. not my thing (but I love the look of it).

  3. I have a thing for VINTAGE, and there has been one particular quilt that has been in my head for many years -- maybe as long as 20 years and the carolina lily is at the heart of it -- I picture it in green and yellow and white, so after that long explaination, I am looking forward to seeing what you do with those 2 blocks... Now you have really done it! There is 2 of us wanting to see your results of this!

    Oh and a VERY HAPPY 2010!!!

  4. Paula,
    It is great to have goals to motivate oneself. I won't be surprised when you complete them all by year's end.
    Wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy 2010.
    Warmest regards.

  5. Crazy is totally subjective :o)

    I wanted to ask you a couple of questions on three column blogs.... would you mind emailing me please? Thanks :o)


  6. Some very intriguing WIPs! I am thinking about signing up for an applique class on 1/14. The only issue is that it is daytime, and I don't know if I can bring myself to use a vacation day so early in the year! I do love the look of applique, though!

  7. That is quite a bit of work you listed!

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog and the bestest of luck finishing those UFO's!! A couple of mine were given to a charity group some years ago so they could finish them for a good cause!! have a Grand 2010!

  9. yup, you are officially crazy! Probably just one reason we all love you! I can't wait to see what on earth you do with those vintage blocks!!!

  10. Yowza - that's pretty ambitious list of goals. But I've no doubt you'll get through it and enjoy every minute of it, too *s*

  11. Those all look like pretty applique projects - well worth finishing. I'm going to be working on finishing more projects this year as well, and many of my unfinished projects are applique.

  12. The small pieces of applique that you have done are masterpieces.You are a gifted person indeed.

  13. All of these are great. I love the father christmas one best!

  14. Can I ask a question about the purple and pinwheels piece? Is there narrow sashing in between the pinwheel blocks? The seem to be dancing. I love the effect you got with off-setting the pinwheels in the lower right hand corner.
