
14 January 2010

Freakin' Geniuses

Remember when I said we got a Blu-ray Disc Player for Christmas? It played Star Trek fine and dandy. I even spied a Tribble in the background in one scene. So my next movie arrived from Netflix. It's a blu-ray version of IronMan. Won't play. It seems the disc player needs to have the firmware updated. I have to unplug it from both the wall and the teevee and bring it into the office where my router resides and plug it back into the wall, the monitor and the router and let it update. This might not be the only time I'll have to do this, so I was looking for a wireless (ethernet) adapter bridge so I could put this component on my WiFi network. Do you think I can find one of these around here? And under a $100? Nope. And the 14 year old geeks at the stores smirk at me and ask why I didn't get a PS3? Because it was a gift you dolt! Arggh!

I have a head ache and I'm going to bed. *sigh*


  1. Technology is great when it works and a darn nuisance when it doesn't!

  2. I don't like it when things don't work or I have to plug something else in to make it work....agh!

  3. I bought the Guy a blu-ray a year ago for Christmas, and it has played all discs w/o any updates. Did not even realize this might be an issue...

  4. huh? what are you talking about ??? What language are you speaking? LOL
    Elaine Adair - the ole gal who is stuck in the 1980s! 8-(((

  5. Poor thing. If I even knew what you were talking about I wouldn't have this headache. :-? We got a new laptop with blue-ray and supposedly we can use that as our player. Only tried 'Up' but haven't watched it yet - just a quick set up. Fingers crossed. Off to the Apple store to see if they can help get this new PC running through the Apple airport so it will print wirelessly. Hmmmm.

  6. I have no clue what you were talking about LOL... I wish you lived closer to handle my technology problems :o)

  7. You don't need this product. I have a blu-ray player. Yes, you need udpates, but you just burn the update to a cd-rom disc and insert it in to update it.

    I have over 700 blu-rays and just picked up another 7 on Wednesday. I'm an addict. What player do you have?

    Iron Man should have worked unless it needed more memory than your player had. Do you have an SD card? Your player should have a slot for one. Insert it in, put the movie in and see if that works.

    The kid is right> The PS3 is the best player out there right now and even it needs updates. I'm just not a gamer and bought a player instead.

    Email me and I can walk you through all the steps if needed. Yes, it seems like a pain. Just remember your blu-ray player does not work like a DVD player. It's not the same thing.

  8. Oh for cryin' in the rain! This sort of thing turns me into the CRACKEN! I'm certain you're way more "coping" in this situation than I am, I'm certain of it.

  9. Cast your mind back a couple of days. I believe that my discipline is finishing what I've started - even after I have learned 'how' and even if it doesn't turn out quite right.

  10. What a story--remember how easy things were to work--oh gosh-I'm thinking of a toaster--

  11. Frustrating! I always worry about the grandmas and grandpas out there that have no idea about technology . . . . who gets them through these trials? I feel your pain *S*

  12. Were it not for my tech savvy husband I would still be playing VHS tapes...and don't, please don't, ask me to tinker with the home theater. It's way over my head. Right after he set it up, I tried to watch a movie while he was at work one Saturday. Insert disk - ok, there's a picture but no sound. How do I set the home theater receiver to play the DVD sound? I had to call him at work. Oh, the shame.
