
10 January 2010


I have recently put on my geek hat and have redesigned a couple of blogs. One of them is Blogging Near Philadelphia. I love reading Nancy's blog and when she put out a call for help recently I came to her rescue. The other blog? Why it is mine, of course.

I have been wanting a new banner/header for quite a while. One that no one else had. It has taken a bit of time to figure out what I wanted and then to pull the elements together. This new banner allows me to change the background color to suit a whim, which at the moment is blue, my favorite color. I don't go for the cute, futzy backgrounds because they are not me. Not to mention the amount of time these backgrounds take to load, have you noticed? And because there are still people on dial-up (I can name several) that read my blog, I want it to load for them. I have always like a clean, zen style so here it is.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Paula, it looks lovely. I am so envious of how you can manipulate the programming language. Your header is so simple... and many times less is more.


  3. I like it. Simplicity is good.

    WV: comacea, fake medication to reverse a coma?

  4. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Looking good, Paula. I like the simple look too. You did good!

  5. The new digs looks great, clean and uncluttered.

  6. very striking! i love your geek hat,,awesome fit for you!

  7. Very nice! I like the clean look, too!

  8. Lookin' good, Mr. Kotter *s* I like when things are pretty plain and simple.

  9. Looks great Paula! You need to do a tutorial and teach the rest of us how it's done.

  10. Ooops, almost didn't think I was in the right place. I like the new look, I think you have posted about 14 times since I've been here. You have been very busy.

  11. Looks like a nice clean space to start the new year. Nancy's blog looks great as well.

  12. I like the new look.

  13. Right on, friend. You know I'm diggin' it and I'm right there with ya!

  14. Your "geeky" hat makes wonderful projects! Love the header

  15. I like it Paula - and you are so right about how long it takes for some blogs to load. I don't have dial up and I can't imagine how long some people might have to wait because I sometimes just walk away and come back later and I have cable high speed! blessings, marlene

  16. Love the look of your blog, Paula! I think the clean, zen feeling doesn't take the attention away from the content. Of course, people have different preferences...
    A fresh start for a new year?

  17. Hey, you made me click out of blog lines. Love the clean look.

  18. I like the new look--I just itch to pull that needle through the fabric!

  19. Very neat. I ought to revise my banner one of these days

  20. Love your new clean look. suits me too in January. I agree with your definition of discipline. I too am a collector and find that the "collection" can distract me from the task at hand. Hoping that at the end of 2010 I too will have a cleaner sleeker look as a quilter by using up hoarded supplies and finishing projects! I know "same wish, different year"! Best of luck on your 2010 ventures.

  21. Love the new, sleek look! Very calming...and easy to load.

  22. I have to agree, a nice clean page without all of the gadgets and noises that make it take forever to open. I prefer an all white page so I can showcase my colorful photos and let them be the decoration.

    I like your new header by the way.
