
27 January 2010

What type are you?

You know that I used to be a typographer, right? I love the smooth, sensuous curves of Bauhaus. And then there is Korinna with it's beautiful U and C that just makes me drool. I have never met a typeface (font) that I did not like. So what do you think of circles? Exciting? Maybe not one circle by itself, but add a couple of more and it will start to speak.

So when I saw this link on Sophie Junction I just had to play. My arm was twisted, really.

My result totally made me laugh out loud! Dot Matrix! Remember the old impact printers and their dot matrix font?

You can go to What Type Are You? (the password is: character) to find out your type.

Dot Matrix? LOL!

P.S. I am working diligently on repairing the quilt. It is taking a bit longer that I anticipated because 1) I work outside the home and 2) I am stopping to shoot photos. Stay tuned.


  1. I had fun with the "what type" thing, too -- love your dots!

  2. oh my dear 'dot!' so that is why you have such a sense of line and design. a typographer...oh! the symbolism if it all. dot matrix....putting the bits together into a cohesive whole of meaning..i love it. hence also some of that perfectionist purpose, too. so interesting to think we are not only types and faces but fonts,too!

  3. This takes me back to many years ago when my husband was an art director for some magazines. His job was to select the type faces. I got to know a little bit about Bodini and stuff like that.

  4. Baskerville Italic. Baskerville Italic????!!!! That's what I came out with. Maybe I need to start using it in my emails. Certainly would get people's attention.

  5. Alrighty then...I'll have to pop over and check out Dot Matrix....totally cool!

  6. Paula......I was Archer Hairline....sounds funny but that's me.

  7. Hello, my name is Dot Matrix, glad to meet you Dot Matrix.

  8. Well that was fun. I'm Pistilli Roman - emotional, assertive, traditional and disciplined. I can't own that last one though... hee!

  9. What fun! Someone was very clever who did this. I am Lettres Orneees (he says - not entirely sure I agree, but a couple of questions were difficult to choose) Have you ever tried to learn braille? That's what your dots made me think of.
    Thanks for the note on my blog. Happy to get the quilt on its way. Long story!

  10. Dot Matrix. Oh how funny.
    I took the quiz and was typed as Bifur. I like it.

  11. That's funny, I would have gotten dot matrix too. Strange that progressive would get dot matrix. I got universal instead, because I was debating between emotional and rational and chose rational. Big wars go on in my head between my rational and emotional sides.

  12. I am Dot Matrix too - like minds! Although, I had trouble deciding between some of the answers, like a box of chocolate, I just took one and didn't worry about itm LOL!

  13. Beatrice1:20 AM

    loved your link. I am Perpetua Titling Light !
    I love fonts too. I sometimes browse Flickr for letters in pictures etc. My next goal : putting letters in a quilt (but I need to brush up on my applique skills) Beatrice (France).

  14. Next you will be talking about mimeograph machines...remember those?, dot, dot! Love your dots!

  15. that was fun... I am universal

  16. What fun--I am Marina Script!
