
19 March 2010

One of My Five Applique UFOs


I have been quilting lately -- a lot. The Father Christmas triptych has been renamed The Gift Bringer because it is now one block not three and has a pieced border. Don't ask about the other two blocks, okay? I tried for some snow drifts in the lower portion of this wall hanging, but the snow morphed into shells. *shrug* The upper portion is quilted in a swirl that occasionally goes into a five pointed star. The color is terrible in this photo but I was working in bright sun with a north wind and was lucky to get it to lay flat.

This is actually my first real finish of the year. It's bound (remember the last post?) and labeled. Onward!


  1. ... and upward...!

    Well done, it's gorgeous.

  2. It's very nice, and you are very early for Christmas.

  3. That looks great!

    A finish to me is also bound. I haven't made labels yet but I guess I should start.

  4. Great job - this represents a lot of hard work.

  5. Nice Job - Congratulations!

  6. Looks lovely, I always feel great when a UFO is finished.

  7. Congratulations on a wonderful finish! I like him, and his border of trees and stars.

  8. Very nice! I love the border of stars and trees...

  9. yay! good job on a finish!

  10. done is done and very good! Sadly,I've yet to finish my first quilt project of 2010. but i'm making headway on many things including knitting. thanks for the woolaid link. i've been looking for a new charity project outside of hats!

    I am soooo jealous of that treadle. My mom had one and that is the machine I learned to sew on when i was in my teens. They are such great machines and the rhythm of the treadle is so soothing.

  11. Oh my - I just love him . . . . makes me wish for Christmas all year 'round *s*

  12. Congratulations on the finish! It's a great Christmas quilt!

  13. I love it - what a wonderful Santa. I love anything that looks sort of old world and this one is perfect. blessings, marlene
