
27 April 2010

Do you EQ?

Do you?

Announcing Electric Quilt 7 to be released soon.

I gotta say, I do like my EQ. I love to design quilt settings using blocks that have my actual fabric in them. EQ allows me to preview my quilts without having to cut any fabric.

I can't wait to get my copy of the new EQ.


  1. No I'm a cheapskate. I do have EQ4 though. A fellow quilter gave me hers when she bought a newer version. I used it to make a pattern for my four patch posies, but I haven't gotten around to sewing it up yet.

  2. I used to EQ before I got a Mac :(

  3. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I have version 5, never upgraded to 6. Was thinking about it just recently then read that 7 is coming out. I gave away version 4 years ago. Actually didn't use 4 much nor 5. Don't know if I'll order or not.

  4. Paula, I have EQ6 and am stumbling thru it but I do like that my fabrics can be uploaded and placed in blocks so that, as you say, I don't have to cut into my stash....LOL....Are you going to try the newest version out??? If so, I's love to know the differences.

  5. Well, I was graciously given EQ5 and I like it but I'm not ready to step up and move to a new version. :<

  6. Could I offer you a spare bed and some 'fabulous' meals in return for coming up here and teaching me how to use EQ? I need some 'strenuous' tutoring to 'get' EQ - although I have tried. It simply isn't intuitive enough for this dummy.

  7. I have not jumped in yet . . . but I've been thinking about it more and more lately. Glad to know that a new version is on the way. I will surely wait now until it arrives.

  8. I LOVE EQ!! Although, I must admit I'm still using an older version. I'm thinking it is time to spring for a new version! :-)

  9. I have been debating on the EQ7 - I have EQ6 and love and use it a lot. I am waiting to see what changes have been made. I know they said something about photo editing, which I don't care about and if that is the main change, I may just stick with what I have. I am still learning how to use it as there are so many features I have not even touched on.

  10. I LOVE my EQ6! Now I know what to ask for at Christmas. I first bought EQ back in 1991 or so when it came out and used it to design quilts given to all my family and in-laws. Boy, has this program come a long way! The first versions were crude, but it's amazing now.
