
07 April 2010

O Hai!


Did you notice that I've been away? I've been busy writing a proposal for work. Why must a government proposal have 8 copies! Yes you read that correctly. One electronic version and 7 hard copies. Well, back to work. Needless to say, I have not gotten a lot of sewing done. Hopefully I'll get some R&R when this is submitted.


  1. that is THE cutest kitten!

  2. What a cutie kitten...sorry for the eight copy monster that you have had to produce!

  3. Work can cramp anyones' day and 8 copies, please. Cute kitty high five. Take care:)

  4. *yikes* Well, that's the government for you.

    p.s. In CA - Ojai is a great little place to visit, a little off the beaten path but plenty of charm to make it worth the drive *s*

  5. The kitty is cute. Good luck with the copies!

  6. I work for the gov't and we do a lot of things...well, stupidly!

  7. 8 copies. yes, I do understand. See I work in medical records where we got through 81 rainforests worth of paper every year- 8 copies is because we are "paper free". seriously, we are supposedly paper free. uh huh.
    and then the gov agencies send me requests and tacked on to each of them is a paper explaining, ready for it? the PAPER REDUCTION ACT.
    no wonder I quilt!!!

  8. I work in grant submissions too, but have not had to submit paper copies to the Federal government i quite a few years now. I do remember the days though when it would be bunches of copying to do. You must be working on a State grant.
