
01 May 2010

May Day


Today was a May Day Tea Party. A dozen ladies gathered at a MagicLady's house for an genteel afternoon of tea and delicate sandwiches. That is until the wine replaced the tea. *grin* Then the noise level rose a bit and picking out our May Baskets made it even louder.

Do you remember making little paper May baskets and filling them with goodies? Then you went around to all your fiend's houses and hung the basket on the door knob, rang the door bell and ran away? I had forgotten all about doing that until the invitation to this tea party arrived with the instructions to make and bring a May basket. I made a quilted basket (what else?) with some flower seeds a potted 'silk' flower, a plant stake, a big red ladybug and a butterfly pin.

A good time was had by all. *giggle*


  1. Sounded like loads of fun!!!

  2. I remember making May baskets, too! We used a lot of doilies, rolled into a cone, with pipe cleaner handles! Fun memories!

  3. What a perfectly wonderful idea, and I'm sure it was a great time! I remember making baskets and my kids did that too when they were little.

  4. I have wanted to make a fabric one for May Day for a very long time! Yours is not only fabulous, but I totally love the little gifts inside! Darling!!!!

  5. What a great idea to have a May Day tea. I think that the only May Day baskets I made were in school.

  6. Not that was a happy May Day story! Love the basket you made to share and glad you had a real good time. :-D

  7. Oh yes, I remember making May baskets in school. We would put them on the doorknobs of the "older" folks in our neighborhood. Do kids still make them? I sure like yours and the way you celebrated the first of May!

  8. Anonymous8:32 PM

    check out this new quilting blog!

  9. What fun! I always wanted to participate in May Day festivities when I was a girl. Since we lived in the boonies with the nearest neighbor 1/4 mile away, it wasn't possible.
    I love your basket - wouldn't that be fun to find on your door *S*

  10. What a wonderful way to spend the afternoon!

  11. I don't remember May Baskets at all! Hmmm, I wonder if I'm too old or too young? :) blessings, marlene

  12. I remember making May Day baskets for my Mom. Paper cone baskets and wildflowers from the field.

  13. Fun! Wine? My kind of tea party!

  14. What fun and I really like the idea of making May Day Baskets. I will have to remember that for next year.

  15. Sounds like fun, May Day came and went and I didn't even notice.
    Your basket is pretty.
