
10 June 2010

Simple Squares Quilt of Valor


Charm packs sometimes stifle me. I want to make something much more difficult out of them. This time I just used the 5-inch squares "as is". The back of this quilt is a kitchen sink backing -- everything but the kitchen sink is there.

Quilting is a free motion loop-d-loop. It is a good thing that I used a lightweight batting (Quilters Dream Request) as the quilting was fairly dense. This amount of quilting on a thicker bat would have resulted in a stiffer quilt.

Bound and labeled. Check and check.

Presentation case made. Check.

Washed. Check.


  1. Just a nice as the other. Are you donating these quilts, the name suggest you are.

  2. I know what you mean about those charm packs. They now have "basics" packs where you get a pile of "black" squares - so you could mix the two & make HSTs... I also like to cut 2.5 inch squares & make "hatchet" blocks...

  3. A quilt of valor is always a wonderful thing. Looks great!!!!

  4. Wow, you have been busy with two wonderful quilts.

  5. You have inspired me to get my sewing machine out. So far I haven't quilted, but am making knitting tote bags, I'm having fun. I forgot how fun it was to sew, now I'm looking at some fat squares of lovely fabric I bought and dreaming
