
06 July 2010

Here Kitty Kitty

Rob Roy Reservoir
A high mountain lake fed by snow run off = COLD water.

Over the holiday weekend, CarGuy and I (along with 6 of our closest friends) went camping. We went into the Medicine Bow National Forest and camped at an altitude of over 9,000 feet. One doesn't move very fast at that altitude because it is hard to get your breath. We circled our 'wagons' like the wagon trains used to do with the fire pit in the center. The mosquitoes in this forest are epic! Remembering last year's trip, we brought enough bug repellent for everyone to have their own can.  The woods were beautiful, days were temperate & nights were chilly. It rained off and on Friday and we woke up Saturday morning to find some mountain lion tracks in the damp earth in our camp. Here kitty, kitty.

No cell service available!
One of our friends decided to see if he could get any kind of cell service. Nope, nada, nil. So all cell phones were turned off and we enjoyed being disconnected and off the grid.

Knitting is a perfect camping project. This year a skein of black fingering yarn accompanied me and it is becoming a shawlette/scarf. It has a lingering aroma of woodsmoke about it so it might be named Medicine Bow in honor of the trip.

Once home, I started piecing the backing for a donation quilt while the washer and dryer worked away in the background. The backing, binding, top and batting are now in a nice neat stack awaiting sandwiching,  basting and ultimately quilting.

I hope you had as an enjoyable weekend as I did.


  1. That was a nail biting story....glad you are all safely home and that you have a great camping trip!

  2. That would have been a very relaxing weekend. I would need a can of repellend to myself, hate mosquites, but they love me.

  3. What a great weekend! No. No how could I possibly have as great a weekend as you did. Being out in nature and off the grid? Are you kidding?! This is the best of life! I did a bit of resting yesterday though. Lounged like a Lizard. Can't believe I did that.

  4. No, I didn't have as nice of a weekend as you did. Mine was rather boring but I would still have liked to be off the grid, too!

  5. Sounds fabulous. We about froze our backsides, but had great fun with 14 of us, plus 4 who came for the traditional potluck supper on Saturday night. (some photos on my blog)

  6. Ahhh cool mountain air. Send some this way please.

  7. Kitty, kitty indeed!! Glad the kitty did not take a little nibble...

  8. The lake is so beautiful, and the weather sounds nice. I don't know if I could brave camping if I knew mountain lions were nearby!

  9. That sounds heavenly - well all exept the kitty cat!!

  10. Sounds like a fun trip!

  11. That sounds like a great relaxing weekend! I love to sit and knit in the outdoors.
    Take care

  12. What a delicious spot - perfect for a getaway with friends *s*

  13. What a gorgeous setting, a peaceful weekend without phones or outside interruption sounds positively heavenly!

    Glad the kitty, kitty didn't come back!

  14. It has been almost 10 years since I have been camping -- that ground is just too hard for me! I am somewhat lucky when it comes to mosquitos, they do bite me, but something in my system does not react to their venom, I don't get those itchy bumps! Glad you had a good time and though the kitty footprints are a bit scary they are very thrilling too...

  15. I've been camping with my son this summer - just the 2 of us on our own adventures - I would love to have a group of friends to camp with. I hang our garbage in the trees - I hate picking up in the morning after skunks - but we don't camp where there are mt. lions! Glad you had fun. Oh - and itchy bug bites - the ONLY thing that works for my son (who gets huge welts) is regular household amonia - stings like crazy for about 1/2 a minute and then the itch is all gone. Cheers! Evelyn

  16. Mountain Lions!! How exciting is that?? Knitting or crocheting make great traveling projects whether you are camping or flying! Actually, the only time I knit or crochet is when I am traveling. ~karen
