
12 September 2010

Bye Bye Bloglines

It has come to my attention that Bloglines is closing shop on Oct. 1. If you use Bloglines as your blog reader you will have to find a new reader. Here is a step-by-step tutorial for bringing all your blogs from Bloglines into Google Reader. Are you ready?

You need to have a Google Account which you already have if your blog is in Google Blogger.

1) Sign out of your blog
2) Go to
3) In the upper right hand corner of the Google screen you will see "Sign In". Click it.
4) Fill in the blanks. The email and password are the ones you use to sign into your blog
5) Now that you are signed in the screen looks just about normal except you will see your email addy up in the upper right hand corner.
6) Look in the upper left corner of the screen. If you do not see the word "Reader" then click on the word "More". If you still don't see it in the drop down menu click on "Even More" and you will be in the Google page of all the apps they offer. Look under "Communicate, Show & Share" and pick "Reader"
7) You will now have the "Reader" page.
8) At this point I want you to open another browser window/tab. If you do not know how to do this don't worry.
9) Go to your Bloglines account. From the "My Feeds" page, click "Edit Link" at the top of the left panel. There will be a link to export you subscriptions in OPML formal. Choose that, follow any steps it asks you to do. Remember where the OPML file is saved. (This is very important!)
10) Now go back into your Google Reader. (This is why I wanted you to open another tab because you can switch between the tabs easier and faster than typing in the URL.)
11) Look in the upper right hand corner. See the "Settings" option? Click it and then choose "Reader Settings"
12) Right now we are only concerned with the Import/Export . Click on it.
13) See where it wants you to browse for an OPML file? Click on "Browse" and find the OPML file that you exported from Bloglines.
14) Click on "upload"
15) Follow any suggestions.
16) When done you should have the same blogs in your Google Reader that you had in Bloglines.
17) You can make folders in Reader and move the blogs into folders. It is easy to add blogs by clicking on the Add Subscription at the top.

There you go. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I didn't know about that at all. I can't imagine what I would have done if I had lost all this!
    All my saved posts for quilt ideas that I want to do someday! Nightmare!
    If you don't mind, I will copy and paste your step by step on my blog as well as it worked a treat.

    Thanks again x

  2. Made the switch a long time ago . . . but still hop over to Bloglines from time to time for old times sake. Sad that it's going away.

  3. Thanks for that tutorial....I've printed it out because I have a terrible memory. You're the greatest!!!

  4. Thank you! I was dreading moving all of them one by one! It was all done in a matter of minutes...awesome!

  5. Well my subscriptions are in Google Reader. Now I need to learn a new system. Thanks!

  6. A testimonial - that Tutorial worked EASILY for me! 8-)) Thanks Paula!

  7. I switched to google reader too. I find that I don't click on the blog to leave a comment as much as I did on bloglines. Maybe google reader is narrower, so it takes more time to get up to the title you click on.
    Trying to get used to the keep new, mark as read change, and decide which I prefer.

  8. I was so sad to see that today. and I spent this afternoon moving over to reader.

  9. Great advice!!! I routinely save my OPML just in case :o)

  10. Holy crap! I'm so glad I started catching up on things and read this!!
    Thanks a million, I'm going to have to follow your tutorial!

  11. Thank you so much! I was really worried about Bloglines going down. I am now on Google Reader!
