
28 September 2010

One Person's Trash

After stitching up rectangular string blocks over the week end using the String-X quilt pattern from Bonnie Hunter, I have been re-evaluating what I want to work on in the coming months. I am bored of working with strings. There! I said it. So to that end, I have bundled up all the lighter valued scraps of whites, yellows, light blues etc. These scraps range in size from about 1"x4" up to 8" long.

There they sit in the wing chair, quietly waiting for a new owner.

Could that be you? If you want to be in the running for these scraps, leave a comment on this post and you will be in the running. You have until Oct 1 to comment. I will draw a name after work so watch this space for the winner.

I can not afford to ship this box internationally so I will have to limit this giveaway to domestic only. Thanks for understanding.
Note: if you have someone in the states that I can ship this very heavy box to if you win then I can add you to the drawing. You will have to work out the shipping logistics with your friend/relative.


  1. That is a really full box. You must be really weary of string projects. I haven't collected enough fabric scraps to complete a string projrcyt because I tend to plan very closely. too closely on my last quilt, I had to add scraps from another quilt to finish it.

  2. I'd love to be in the running. Although I live in Canada I have a friend just over the border in ND who would receive the package for me if I were lucky enough to win.

  3. I've always shied away from giveaways, but because I seriously would like to start quilting, and have nothing to start with, I have decided to join in this giveaway.

  4. Oh damn it! I have a friend who lives in NC who is prepared to pay for it to be shipped over to me - we do it on a she sends stuff to me and I send stuff to her.

    Would that court for me to be included? I hope so!

  5. What a fun idea!! It is always fun to get colors that you would not normally pick for yourself. I have yet to do a string quilt, so maybe it will have to be time.
    Thanks for the chance.

  6. Anonymous9:15 AM

    As you know-one person's trash is another's treasure so I would love to have some new treasures from your trash! Something new will give me some inspiration to keep on creating!

  7. I would love to be in the drawing for your strings. I so love a good scrappy string box. :) What a fabulous giveaway!
    Have fun with your new adventure.

  8. Jocelyne9:43 AM

    Hi Paula,

    I would like a chance to win your box of scraps.

    Fingers crossed.


  9. ClaireSherman10:47 AM

    I would love to win your light strings. I haven't been quilting long enough to have a huge stash.

  10. Thank you for this lovely giveaway. Please enter me for your strings drawing. I'm thinking baby log cabins with skinny logs and light/dark sides. Of course, I've never made a log cabin of any size. Hope your next quilting adventure is wonderful. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  11. This giveaway is right up my alley, as a liberated quilter who saves even tiny scraps--and selvages, too. I use little bits in hand applique too, maybe a scrap will be just right for one petal of a flower.
    Today I used some scraps to make liberated pincushions for a sale to benefit my library.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Kathleen in CT

  12. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I would like to be included in your trash give-away. I don't have enough light colored strings to finish another Bonnie Hunter quilt pattern, and this would help.
    Thanks for the offer.
    cke (at) yahoo (dot)com

  13. Hey Paula, awesome idea to pack your trouble in a box and find a new owner!! Having been the receiver of many such boxes, I understand the joy it can bring someone else.
    Please do NOT put me in for the drawing, I have lots and lots to work with, and love the idea of someone else joy at receiving it.
    Thank you for stopping by at Pieces, I totally heard what you didn't say and applaude it! You go girl! Hugs, Finn

  14. I came by earlier and saw your big box of fun...ahh, I thought, great minds think alike! I was working on string quilts, but now...well, Putting My Feet socks? Why, yes..don't you just love them? I sure do ;)

    I've got more strings to work on, lots more of my own, but I sure hope somebody else wins yours, so they can become a liberated quilter and put their feet up too!!!

  15. Oh my, Clare said 'damn'...see what liberation does to you? Go, Clare, let it all out, if I win, give mine to Clare.

  16. I would love this...thanks for a great opportunity.


  17. lolymama4:06 PM

    How generous you are! I'm just starting my love affair with quilting and a string quilt is on my bucket list.....cross my fingers!

  18. I would love to win some scraps. They are my favorite kind of fabric. ;)

  19. I would love to be in the running as well! I've just really gotten into strings and have had a lot of fun with them. I'm in MA - and also would serve as a contact person for Wendy if she were lucky enough to win as well. (Wendy lives in New Brunswick Canada)


    Helen (

  20. I'd love to win this, I need more scraps! lol

  21. Well of I win I am gonna pass it on to someone else! But I love to be a winner!!

  22. hi,
    light scraps are perfect, as im saving up for a scrappy shakespeare in the park.
    thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity.
    (very quiet lurker of stashbusters)

  23. i am so quiet, i dont know which group is which, haha.
    very quiet lurker of lib-quilters

  24. Hi, I'm a newby to your blog and am marking your site in my favorites so I can stop back in and look again. Love the name...really cute!

  25. I would love to get some light strings. I always seem to be lacking in the "lights" department when I need them. Too many bright colors! Please include me in the drawing! Thanks....Sally

  26. Newby, I left a post but don't think my email was put on the comment so I'm trying again. Sorry for the double post. Lois

  27. I'll join this funfest! Since I'm new to quilting, I have virtually no stash to speak of and would love to add your lights to my slowly growing pile. And I'm bookmarking your blog, so stay tuned: you'll probably be hearing more from me!


  28. I love the idea of making a treasure from your trash. Please count me in.

  29. I can always use more scraps
    Janet H

  30. I live in Canada but there is a border spot you can ship it to if I win and I can drive to pick it up. I'd love to win it.

  31. I am fairly new to quilting and would love to add to my stash...not sure if my husband would like a box of scraps to arrive but I sure would...thank you...hugs, Fran

  32. Fun Fun. I would love to inherit your strings. thanks for the offer.

  33. Sounds like fun! Please count me as entering to win!

  34. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I have adopted the "use what you have" philosophy and quite frankly I 'm tired of looking at what's left of my stash. I'd love the opportunity to help you clean out your stuff. I'd even go for C.O.D.


  35. Paula, the box looks like it is about to explode. I like scrap quilts, so I think I would be able to find a use for your scraps.

  36. Wow! Lots of people are already signed up. Well I'm going to ask if I can jump in the drawing for one person's trash, too!

    A little bit trashy, *karendianne.

  37. I love strings, but right now I have mostly darks, I will be keeping my fingers crossed!

  38. Anonymous2:05 PM

    It's Kismit. My sister, who lives in denver, was telling me, who lives in ny, that she just started a spiderweb scrap quilt (from bonnie hunter's pattern). And that she was running out of scraps. So this box would be perfect for her. And thank you for being so generous.


  39. Love scraps. Just used my plaid scraps to make a huge string pieced top fro Strips and Strings. Always run out of lights. Ana

  40. Why do someone else's scraps always look prettier than our own? I love string quilts - maybe your scraps would jazz up mine!

  41. I just pieced my very first quilt and plan to quilt it soon. I love to learn to do new things and this sounds like a great opportunity for that. I'd love to win.
