
29 October 2010

As Seen on TV

Have you ever purchased something after seeing an infomercial? I bought this and what a difference it has made!

Here's some background: I have sensitive skin and live in a very dry climate. There's a back scratcher that has taken up permanent residence on the coffee table. I'm like a bear scratching it's back on a tree. My back itches. Or at least it did. This has been my best most recent purchase.

I fill it with lotion and roll it on my back. It lays down a very thin layer of lotion. Ah, heavenly relief.


  1. I never see infomercials but I am so happy you posted about this item. It sounds perfect for someone like me - dry skin and no one to put lotion on my back!

  2. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I'm with Suzan, never saw anything concerning this product. But living alone, there are times that I could use this. Thanks for posting about it.

  3. I've never seen this before either, maybe it's targeted to your dry climate!?! It does sound like a clever invention~

  4. ooh I like the sound of this...I'll have to have a look for it and add it to my Christmas list ;o)

  5. I have never seen, nor heard of such a thing! Who knew? Now, if it gave massages and came with heated rocks and pulled a quilt up over you when it was, I'd be on that phone list right now!

  6. This looks like something I can use! Thanks for posting about it. ~karen

  7. What a great item! Thanks for the post.

    My staff call me "cat" because I am always scratching my back on a door frame somewhere. This is getting added to my Christmas list. ~ksp

  8. Sounds like a wonderful thing - looks as if you've introduced it to a few more folks that will enjoy it greatly *s*

  9. It does sound like a nice item to have.

  10. I have seen this and thought it would never work! Thanks for the info, and glad it helped you!

  11. Gee a new "need" for me... (I have Sarna in my office, I get sooooo bad.)

  12. I've think I've daydreamed about a gadget like this but never knew they existed.

  13. I've never seen this before - but could use one myself b/c my husband refuses to get his hands anywhere near lotion - he thinks it's very yuck and dirty feeling. :( no back rubs from him.

    I guess I'll wait and see if it eventually gets to the regular store shelves. Our CVS and Walmart have a section of "As seen on TV" items. Thanks for posting about it!

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie
