09 November 2010

I really wish it were this cute

Unfortunately for us it isn't fun to have a mouse loose in the gallery and studio. And he IS getting around. I bought a couple of traps this morning and they have been baited with a mixture of crushed dog food and natural peanut butter. There wasn't any chunky peanut butter to be found around here so I begged some dog food from one of the guys and then mixed it in a baggie with the peanut butter. I just saw the mouse crawl over the back of the guest sofa and he's been seen near the photographer's file cabinet and in the men's room. Tonight will tell whether we need new bait or not.

Update: Got one 5 minutes after I posted. No kidding!  The trap has been re-baited and awaiting the next one 'cause we all know where there's one there's more.


  1. Here's wishing you success in ridding your studio of mice. Amazing how they can get through the tiniest of cracks.

  2. My kitty has taken out 5 in the last 2 weeks. We think we have found the source and blocked it. The cat isn't staring at the cabinets in the kitchen anymore!

  3. Nasty little things, they are always getting into the garage here. Good luck!

  4. I am glad you caught it. Creepy!

  5. yes, they always bring friends and relatives

  6. My sister went away for a bit and when we went to check on her house - it was infested with mice. Really. Because pest control had been there earlier - it was also full of dead mice. Yuck. All the basement insulation had to be pulled down and hauled away and when that was done at least 30 mice were running around everywhere. It was a real mess, let me tell you. Much better to keep setting the traps and stay on top of it. Cheers! Evelyn

  7. Oh dear! A little cold snap and they stampede right in!
    Good luck catching them!
