
14 November 2010

A Wee Bit of Quilt Content

There is a little bit of quilt content in this post. For real. Progress is being made on several fronts. But really, nothing to show you. Do you really want to see a pile of pieces stacked to the side of the sewing machine? Or the light table with the white applique background awaiting the pieces to be glued?

On Friday, I attended the November meeting of our small group. Remember in this post when I asked for a recipe? Well, the Apple Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting that Nancy recommended was very well received. Excellent! Knitting accompanied me to this meeting not quilting, because a pair of Christmas socks is on the needles.

Saturday, was a meeting of Quilty Friends at my house. Deciding that the Hugs and Kisses BOM needed to get caught up, I spent the time prepping the pieces for the October block. The pieces were glued down and a pane of glass placed on top of it to press it flat while it dries.

Today, was another day in the sewing room while the washer and dryer did their thing in the next room. The pieces for the November block were cut out and half of them were prepped when the 'accident' happened. *sigh* I inadvertently brushed the tops of two fingers against the hot iron. All work stopped immediately. I couldn't even pick the iron up by the handle because it put the fingers too close to heat. I had to close up the sewing room.


  1. Ouch!!! I hope your fingers heal quickly!

  2. Oh dear, hope those fingers heal quickly. Take care of them.

  3. Sigh. Just when all was going so well! It's nice that you have a few quilt groups to keep company with. The cake sounds yummy. Hope your fingers mend quickly so you can be back in the sewing room again soon. :-D

  4. Oh, Paula~ -you poor thing, I truly feel your pain. Take good care of yourself, you'll be back at it soon.

  5. CHRISTMAS SOCKS??? You KNITTED Christmas socks??? I want to see the pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Ouch. Burns are no fun at all, especially on fingers which you use a lot more than you think you do, which is already a lot.

    Looks like you were having fun and making great progress before that. Hope your fingers heal up quickly.

    I know you expected rhetorical no to your first two questions, but yes, I want to see the progress stuff.

  7. Ouch . . . take care!!!
